To Adrien Gérardin, L1 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
Tu aimes : ta région, le legacy, l’arbitrage et l’organisation. Ces 4 centres d’intérêts t’ont mené à tenter de développer ta région notamment par le biais de tournois Legacy. Je sais apprécier ta disponibilité et surtout ta aptitude à rester là et à continuer d’agir quoi qu’il se passe. |
To Antoine Bouaziz, L3 from France Recognized by Claire Dupre, L3 |
I really want to thank you for being the one who believe in people, even if others L3 doubt. Recently, you worked with a candidate L2 and pass her. No one else thought that was a good idea but you did. And apparently, you were right. |
To Aurélie Violette, L2 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
Le comportement que je souhaite mettre en avant est cet enthousiasme. A Grenoble ça se voyais dans l’organisation. Depuis que tu es à Paris tu as su t’impliquer et être un moteur dans le projet des capitaines de régions et auprès des joueurs compétitifs. |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by Christian Gawrilowicz, L3 |
For reaching out and helping the Asian Judge community. Your help and support is highly needed and appreciated. |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by Damian Hiller, L4 |
Daniel, it takes a great mind and courage to not only keep up the work from (another) great man, but to also add personal twist and impact. Add to that how open you’re to ideas and (others) thoughts and you make a hell of an inspiration to me. Thanks for all you’ve done, do and will do. |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by Gavin Duggan, L3 |
Daniel’s a great project/team lead, as well as a great guy. He’s bright, enthusiastic, and helpful, but also patient and forgiving of mistakes. |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by Grossi François, L3 |
You were there since the beginning of my judging carreer. I would like to address a huge thank you since all the times I was not ok you showed interest and diplomacy with me. this helped me to stay in the program despite the issues. You will stand as an example for me in the conflict resolution area |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by Jared Sylva, L4 |
Daniel,I have been nothing short of impressed by your work since taking over the Level 3 testing process. I know we’ve disagreed on some things, but I want you to know that I have the utmost respect for your work and I look forward to making the process better together. Jared |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by Jeff Morrow, L3 |
Thanks for keeping the L3 engine running! Your promotion was very well-deserved, but I thought that an extra thank-you would be appropriate.J-Mo |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by monsuporn lauhaphand, L3 |
At Day 1 GP-Taipei 2014, I saw your tireless effort to ensure the event run smoothly and also preserve the integrity of tournament from making a ruling and investigate a game play error. In this regards, other judges can see and follow your footstep as a role model. |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by Sebastian Pękala, L3 |
Daniel, thank you for the great effort you’re putting in L3 certification, still developing tools and ways to make it better and more efficient. Also, you always have a fresh, sometimes surprisingly different (yet correct) view on things being discussed among judges. Thank you for all that. |
To Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 from France Recognized by Sergio Pérez, L3 |
Thank you for your extreme dedication to the L3 Candidates Process. With your timely and complete kind answers to my emails you helped me not only to get the information I needed but also to feel heard and considered, encouraging me to keep working on this being part of this process. |
To Etienne Beureux, L1 from France Recognized by Antoine Bouaziz, L3 |
Your job concerning the leading of your very local community is completely oustanding. By working as often as possible both with your TCG shop and as an organizer with very local community of players, you contributed as never to the development of magic in the area of your city : Sartrouville. |
To Etienne Beureux, L1 from France Recognized by Claire Dupre, L3 |
I wanted to thank you for your seminar during the French conference in Dijon (May 2014). You exposed different ways to build and keep an efficient community of players and I felt yours is really important for you. You’re a great value for yours players. |
To Etienne Beureux, L1 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
Je t’ai découvert lors de la dernière conférence lorsque tu nous as fait à séminaire impressionnant sur l’organisation et la relation avec le système WPN. Tu as montré là une complète compréhension de ce qu’est le jeu organisé et comment l’intégrer dans l’environnement français très pro associatif. |
To George Gavrilita, L2 from France Recognized by Ivan Petkovic, L3 |
George has been working with me on conference projects where he is a driving force. Most recently we were on a conference together during which he made extensive notes about all presenters and gave them feedback afterwards. This is true leadership through practice. And for that, I thank you. Ivan |
To George Gavrilita, L2 from France Recognized by Riccardo Tessitori, L5 |
Ciao George, you are such an eclectic person that you are able to bring a unique perspective to what we do as judges; it’s very inspiring. Thank you!Riccardo |
To Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 from France Recognized by Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 |
Guillaume, merci pour ton aide sur les panels cet été. Je connais peu de gens qui auraient accepté de faire deux panels en un GP, tu l’as fait et as impressionné Jared de surcroît ! |
To Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 from France Recognized by Jared Sylva, L4 |
Guillaume,Your work organizing some of the most challenging parts of events has been nothing short of impressive. Grinders in DC and Worcester and in Portland you captained the MiniMasters during the biggest rush. These are often thankless tasks, so I just wanted to say: “Thank You!” Jared |
To Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 from France Recognized by Kevin Desprez, L5 |
Guillaume,The high efficiency you show at crafting new systems, the amount of energy you put into making them work and your ability to constantly make things evolve can barely be matched in the Program. Congrats! Kevin. |
To Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 from France Recognized by Nicholas Sabin, L3 |
Guillaume,I really enjoyed working with you at PT M15. You provided great insights into our best practices in tournament operations and logistics, and challenged me to improve in this way. I look forward to working with you again soon. Best, Nicholas |
To Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 from France Recognized by Sean Catanese, L4 |
Thank you for the expert way in which you assisted in David Rappaport’s L3 panel. The questions you asked were incisive and difficult to answer for exactly the right reasons. I leaned a great deal more from watching you interact than I had any expectation of as we began the panel. |
To Jean-Baptiste Drouard, L2 from France Recognized by Bouaziz Antoine, L3 |
Despite your job in your real live, you never losted your desire to continue to work in your community, helping your TO and making a lot of propositions of new systems in order to help the whole of judges in your country to interact each other ! Bravo and thank you for that ! |
To Jean-François DURMONT, L1 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
Malgré des débuts un peu tendu en tant qu’arbitre dans ta communauté tu restes motivé et tu te donnes beaucoup de mal pour travailler sur toi et progresser. En plus de ce travail sur toi-même je sais apprécier le fait que tu souhaites également faire évoluer tes compétences. |
To Jean-François Durmont, L1 from France Recognized by Pierre Laquerre, L3 |
Thanks for accepting at the last minute to become a stand-by judge for PTQ Lille, and then for judging instead of playing. This is the second time this year we called you with very short notice and you’ve been quite helpful each time. |
To Jérôme Durif, L2 from France Recognized by Grossi François, L3 |
You always showed a great deal of professionalism while we worked together. Recently you were the HJ of PTQ Lyon and you managed very well two L1s who were new to the competitive scene. I got a great deal of good feedbacks from them. Now we are lucky to have more judges willing to grow |
To Julien Laronde, L1 from France Recognized by Grossi François, L3 |
It’s been years since you showed a great leadership in the local community in Toulouse. You were here to deal with lots of diplomacy with all the different people involved in organizing Magic in this area, which was difficult since there was an history of conflicts between them. |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by Bouaziz Antoine, L3 |
During all those years, you brought more to the judge program than a lot of persons. You contributed to make the IPG better and the events you run as HJ are, the most often, the best organized I participated in. I also always learnt something by working with you and I am not the only one. Thank you. |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by Christoper Richter, L4 |
This is a bit meta, but in a very large part the Exemplar program exists because of the insight and inspiration that you provided. The creation of the program is in large part due to your ideas. And I couldn’t let this go unnoticed. |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 |
Kevin, you’ve gone big lengths towards educating the French judge community on MTGFrance about various aspects of the USC policy. We’re in a country where bad taste jokes are commonplace and many judges aren’t aware, let alone know how to deal with, issues related to that. Thank you so much! |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by David de la Iglesia, L3 |
Thank you for help at Grand Prix Utrecht solving the problems with the index for the Deck Check team, and offering yourself to fix it on the spot. Thank you for your advice and mentoring through the years, being both stern and supportive as necessary. |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by Davide Succi, L3 |
For the experience as observer in my first L3-panel during Gp Utrecht, I learned really a lot. |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by Emilien WILD, L3 |
For the quality and insight of discussions about numerous aspect of the program which allowed me to get another point of view on things that frustrated me and allow me to see the bigger picture. |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by Frank Wareman, L3 |
You have always been a strong pillar in the business part of judging: keeping focus on quality of events, seeing improvements in how we run them and on a management level taking care to reward judges correctly. |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by Jared Sylva, L4 |
Kevin,I wanted to thank you for the work you did at GP Atlanta. Both Sean and I were off of our game, and I recognize that you played a lot of “catch the dropping ball” to keep the event on its feet. Both your work on the floor, and your feedback following, were very important to me. Jared |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by jeremie granat, L3 |
Anytime I worked or just hanged out with you, I learned something new. I think you are a tremendous organisation talent and I love listening to you talk about GP or HJ organisation as I always learn things that make my life easier. |
To Kevin Desprez, L5 from France Recognized by Kim Warren, L4 |
You are far and away the best higher-level mentor that we have. I’ve learned a lot from discussions with you, and enjoy watching other people learn through engaging with you. Kim |
To Khanh Le Thien, L2 from France Recognized by Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 |
Khanh, thank you for teaching me so much about Asian judge communities! Your first-hand experience is quite important to help us understand Asian cultures and better serve each other. |
To Khanh Le Thien, L2 from France Recognized by Emilien WILD, L3 |
For taking my random judge call generator workshop and improving it in many ways, then bringing it to multiple continents, thank you. A good idea is useless without a good execution. You definitly delivered the latter. |
To Khanh Le Thien, L2 from France Recognized by Frank Wareman, L3 |
You did an excellent job at the GP and want to thank you for your efforts to cheer up the team and bring some fun and team spirit in our hard-working team! |
To Khanh Le Thien, L2 from France Recognized by Riccardo Tessitori, L5 |
Salut Khanh, the point of view you bring to other judges is enlightening, as you are capable of presenting what we do as a life experience and not just as a technical activity. Thank you!Riccardo |
To Loic Hervier, L1 from France Recognized by Grossi François, L3 |
With all the amount of work you make you manage to do it with a smile and with enthusiasm. We have in our region the first translated Annotated IPG which is a great tool for all the french L1 who want to learn more from the IPG, and also for others ! Thaks a lot ! |
To Loic Hervier, L1 from France Recognized by Kevin Desprez, L5 |
Loic,J’ai été bluffé par tes traductions d’articles vers le français récemment. Certains pour la qualité de la langue, ce qui les rendait très amusants à lire, d’autres pour la rapidité avec laquelle ils ont été traduits. Félicitations. Kevin. |
To Loïc Hervier, L1 from France Recognized by Bryan Prillaman, L3 |
Loic translated the entire AIPG into French for his own use, and then offered it to the AIPG project. I want to recognize him for his dedication to learning, and his willingness to tackle a large task and share with the larger communnity |
To Loïc Hervier, L1 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
En plus d’avoir lu l’Internet Magic 3 fois, ce que j’apprécie chez toi, c’est que tu ne te contentes pas de faire l’éponge, comme Bob, mais tu interroges, questionnes et surtout tu partages. |
To Loïc Hervier, L1 from France Recognized by Jernej Lipovec, L3 |
Loic has joined my Regional Pages project and left a big mark on it by poiting out all the mistakes and fixing them. He kept us grounded and took care of quality control on top of translating all the pages to French |
To Loïc Hervier, L1 from France Recognized by Pierre Laquerre, L3 |
Thanks for all your translation work. Your corrections to my translations have been very welcomed. I’m also sure your work on the annotated JARs and IPGs will be very useful to candidates and judges wishing to understand the documents better. |
To Nicolas Baptiste, L1 from France Recognized by Grossi François, L3 |
You showed great investment in your local area. You started as a store judge few years ago but you seem to be present in lots of remote areas of France where very few judges are there. Your investment for the community has no limits since you will co-organize the next french conference in your city. |
To Nicolas Baptiste, L1 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
Ton attitude volontaire a clairement aidé à ce que Valence redevienne une ville active au niveau du jeu. Je sais que tu as exporté ton attitude volontaire pour aider au développement de la communauté sur Nîmes par ta simple présence comme arbitre certifié. |
To Olivier Arnold, L1 from France Recognized by Bouaziz Antoine, L3 |
I would like both to ensure you and to thank you for your leadership in your local community. You help the players to answer not only to their rules questions but also to their questions concerning the program which is awesome |
To Olivier Arnold, L1 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
Je souhaite aujourd’hui te reconnaître ton implication dans la communauté de joueurs parisien. Dans la boutique dans laquelle tu travail il est vraiment claire que tu as te positionner en leader de communauté. Les gens viennent te voir pour un tas de questions diverses. |
To Pierre Laquerre, L3 from France Recognized by Antoine Bouaziz, L3 |
Thank you Pierre for the help you give to our judge community by translating documents, helping your local community to continue to grow up, by mentoring not only the L2 but also the L3 like me. I always learnt something by working with you |
To Richard Kelterbaum, L1 from France Recognized by David de la Iglesia, L3 |
Thank you for your many contributions to the Magic Judges Facebook page, taking pictures of judges at work at many Grand Prix around the world. |
To Richard Kelterbaum, L1 from France Recognized by Emilien WILD, L3 |
Richard, you’re the main reason european judges are able to go back through all their GPs and find pictures that rekindle their memories of those events. Thanks for taking the time, on your playing time, to capture and share those moments. |
To Sonia L’hopital, L2 from France Recognized by Antoine Bouaziz, L3 |
Congratulations because you are one of the judges who grew up and who learnt the more during this season. Keep your enthusiasm, your curiosity and your desire to progress and to work on yourself ! It will always help you ! |
To Sonia L’Hôpital, L2 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
Tu dégages une dose d’énergie énorme. En apprenant à la canaliser comme tu le fais depuis quelques mois tu aides énormément au développement de l’arbitrage en France et plus précisément dans ta région. |
To Sophie Pages, L2 from France Recognized by Grossi François, L3 |
You are now in your region leading so many project that I keep hearing so many good feedbacks from you. You are the voice of the community, organizing almost all the means for communication for judges and by judges. You also succeed to achieve this while involving others thanks to your leadership. |
To Sophie Pagès, L2 from France Recognized by Alexis Rassel, L3 |
Sophie, je n’avais pas arbitré avec toi depuis un bon moment et j’ai été très surpris de tes progrès. Un gros gain de confiance en toi t’a permis d’être particulièrement proactive et de fournir un encadrement de qualité aux arbitres lvl1. Je t’encourage à poursuivre dans cette voie. Alexis |
To Sophie Pagès, L2 from France Recognized by Guillaume Beuzelin, L3 |
Ton énorme implication dans le programme d’arbitrage est quelque pour laquelle je souhaite te reconnaître. Je souhaite mettre l’accent sur le fait que tu as commencé en t’impliquant comme suiveuse (sans connotation péjorative) et que tu es aujourd’hui un moteur hyper-performant. |
To Sophie Pagès, L2 from France Recognized by Pierre Laquerre, L3 |
Thanks for all your work translating the MJM and coordinating other translators. Thanks also for trying news ideas to improve the discussions around the Knowledge Pool scenarios. |
To Xavier Almeras, L2 from France Recognized by Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 |
Xavier, merci pour ton service rendu jusqu’au bout. C’est facile de faire n’importe quoi à son dernier tournoi, mais tu as arbitré avec beaucoup d’application et de professionalisme au BAC, y compris en donnant un test niveau 1 ! |
To Yoann Buzenet, L1 from France Recognized by Grossi François, L3 |
We first met in Chateauroux this summer and I was impressed by your level of investment in the event and the qualities of your communication. You were the greatest surprise of this event and all judges kept talking positive things about you. Thanks for being what you are as a Magic Judge. |