Exemplar 1 – German-speaking Countries

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To Andreas Trejtnar, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Christian Gawrilowicz, L3
Andreas is always trying to help the Austrian judge community grow and improve. He’s taking care of judge candidates and stays in touch with them and makes sure that they feel included and connected.
To Andreas Trejtnar, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Oliver Tremel, L3
Lieber Andi,
wann immer ein Judge gebraucht wird, bist du zur Stelle und bringst ohne Wenn und Aber deine Leistung. Du bist eine wichtige Stütze der österreichischen Judge-Community, die ich auch in Zukunft nicht missen möchte! Danke dir!
To Andreas Trejtnar, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Stefan Ladstaetter, L3
Andi is one of only two L2s in Austria, and he picks up all the slack, going beyond the call of duty to be present at events all over the country, ranging from mini GPTs at his local game store to HJing PTQs. He perfectly fits the exemplar program.
To Christian Gawrilowicz, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Daniel Kitachewsky, L4
Christian, thank you for your dedication to expanding L3s in APAC. Your input is quite precious to me!
To Christian Gawrilowicz, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Ivan Petkovic, L3
Christian helped me a lot during my L3 certification process by giving me tips how to study and feedback about my selfreview areas. Also, he has been pushing me to finally finish the process during all these years.
And for that Christian, I thank you.
To Christian Gawrilowicz, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Johanna Virtanen, L3
Thank you for the great communication about the judge tests that you did at GP Utrecht. You let me know who had been tested and made sure that I could get in touch with the new judges immediately and introduce them to our community. This doesn’t always happen so smoothly after GPs!
To Christian Gawrilowicz, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Mitsunori Makino, L3
To Christian Marx, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Stefan Ladstaetter, L3
Christian loves the game, and his enthusiasm shows. He is one of the cornerstones of Vienna’s Magic community, especially active during the prerelease weekends where he deftly manages multiple 70+ events in a row. He also took part in the German judge meeting, which shows his dedication.
To Dominique Rahm, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by jeremie granat, L3
I really like the effort you are putting in the tuesday league and how much thought you have put in it. I also think it’s great you want to judge more competitive tournament and look forward to see you on the floor of a PPTQ 🙂
To Isabelle Grieb, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by jeremie granat, L3
You are doing a pretty awesome job mentoring so many different judge candidates and being there for everyone.
To Jan Brinkmann, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Michael Wiese, L3
Jan, thanks for mantaining the ruleslink thread of our regional forum. Whenever i look into it to see if there is a new FAQ link avaiable, it is so. I like that you dont need any reminder to do this.Thanks Michael Wiese
To Jeremie Granat, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Carlos Ho, L4
You’re an incredibly complete L3 judge. Good at events, great at mentoring, and you care a lot about others. Whenever I need someone to take care of a special mission at a GP, I know you can do it. I’m sad I couldn’t get you to Honolulu, but I hope this kind of makes up for it. =)
To Lars Freitag, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Oliver Tremel, L3
Hallo Lars,
auch wenn unsere Zusammentreffen in größeren zeitlichen Abständen erfolgen, bin ich danach stets etwas reicher als davor. Was und wie du dich in die Judge Community einbringst, finde ich wirklich als etwas Besonderes. Danke dafür.
To Marius Eichholzer, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by jeremie granat, L3
I think you did a great job judging the Nationals this year and were one of the best judge on the floor, independent on level.
To Martin Koehler, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Michael Wiese, L3
Thanks Martin, your program to post standings and pairings online just at the same time while printing them with the WER just helps to have smooth tournaments. Thanks Michael Wiese
To Michael Wiese, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by jeremie granat, L3
I just think your work as an RC deserve some recognition and what better way to do it than in the first wave ever? I love the fact that you have so much patience with everyone and can find the heart of the problem seamingly so easily.
To Michael Wiese, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Joel Krebs, L3
Parting from the region, this seems to be the perfect time to tell my Regional Coordinator how much I appreciate his efforts for the region, but also for me personally. You served me as a mentor and guide through the program so far and I hope I can still count on you even though I am far away now.
To Michael Wiese, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Oliver Tremel, L3
Hallo Michael,
danke für deinen permanenten Einsatz – praktisch rund um die Uhr – für unsere Region. Aus Gewohnheit mag es für manche schon zur Selbstverständlichkeit geworden sein, aber ich finde das nach wie vor unglaublich und absolut nicht selbstverständlich.
To Michael Wiese, L3 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Stefan Ladstaetter, L3
Michael is the bedrock of the judge program in the German speaking countries. There is no one who could replace him, his love and dedication to the program knows no bounds. He is a shoulder to cry on and guides us all with wit and wisdom.
To Oliver Blank, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by jeremie granat, L3
I really appreciated the fact that you spontanously decided to judge at the PTQ in Dielsdorf instead of playing because you saw we had too much players and not enough judges. This kind of action leaves a big impression on everyone and I was very grateful for it 🙂
To Philip Böhm, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Damian Hiller, L4
Philip! I think this recognition will be a good chat opener for you and me. As lead for the Conferences sphere I find your dedication to share your monthly meetings with the rest of the community impressive. Would like to say more but message doesn’t allow longer, will continue by mail! Thanks! D.
To Philip Böhm, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Jorge Requesens, L3
For his efforts in make his local community stronger, with the monthly meetings. Also for taking notes and provide discussion and learning opportunities in the global community. Thank you, Philip!
To Philip Böhm, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Lems, L5
Your monthly reports of judge scenarios on the forums are well-thought-out, well-written, interesting to read, and foster healthy discussion. Thank you for the consistent stream of great content onto the forums.
– Lems
To Philip Böhm, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Michael Wiese, L3
Thanks Philip for preparing discussion for the monthly meetings and afterwards to wrap everything up on judge apps. Thanks Michael Wiese
To Philip Körte, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Dustin de Leeuw, L3
Philip, your presence at an event is a guarantee for interesting discussions and a good atmosphere where players are handled extremely well and judges learn a lot. How you supported the HJ at PTQ Dortmund was simply amazing.
To Philip Schulz, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Christian Gawrilowicz, L3
Philip is doing a fantastic job of collecting published judge articles and keeping the Judge Article Index updated. He is now doing this for quite a long time and for this there should be recognition!
To Rene Oberweger, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Christian Gawrilowicz, L3
I recognize Rene for travelling all across Austria (~600 kms) to come to an event weekend in order to learn more and improve. This is way more then is expected from a Level 1.
To René Oberweger, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Oliver Tremel, L3
Hallo René,
ein frischgebackerner L1 mit deinem Elan und deinem Enthusiasmus ist nicht oft zu finden. Besonders imponiert hat mir die Art, mit der du dich von Beginn an ins Zeug geschmissen hast und ohne Aufforderung deutlich mehr leistest, als man von einem L1 üblicherweise gewohnt ist.
To René Oberweger, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Stefan Ladstaetter, L3
René decided to get certified because there were no other judges in his part of the country. He is often traveling for hours to other cities to gain experience (Munich, Vienna), and also to the German judge meeting. His deep understanding of the judge program and his dedication to it are impressive.
To Sebastian Holst, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Michael Wiese, L3
Sebastian, ou became a judge in an area where no judge was avaiable to support your local community and now you are avaible for close to every tournament in our region, wich is just the way to grow and learn. I like to get more new L1s like you 🙂 Thanks Michael Wiese
To Sebastian Reinfeldt, L2 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Michael Wiese, L3
Thanks Sebastian, that you startet the monthly judgemeetings in our region. You startet it to make sure the judges of your next PTQ are aware of the IPG Trigger changes and you just continued to do those meetings. Now we have those meetings in different places in our region. Thanks Michael Wiese
To Violet Edgar, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Michael Wiese, L3
Violet, you did a great seminar with lets say personal intressted about the new unsporting conduct rules. many judges including me were impressed by your seminar.
To Valentin Hauser, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Christian Gawrilowicz, L3
I want to recognize Valentin as he’s performing way above his level. He’s a “store judge”, but for this store he’s also the OP manager where he’s coordinating judges from the whole region. Additionally he’s reaching out to other TOs and judges from further away.
To Valentin Hauser, L1 from German-speaking countries
Recognized by Oliver Tremel, L3
Lieber Valentin,
ich möchte dir für deinen Einsatz für die Magic-Community über viele Jahre hinweg danken. Trotzdem es nicht immer leicht ist, die anstehenden Turniere mit Judges zu besetzen, bist du immer wieder als treibende Kraft aktiv.