To Boonyakiat Sripongam, L1 from Southeast Asia Recognized by monsuporn lauhaphand, L3 |
Thank you so much for spending your time and effort to involve in translate the FAQ of new set to Thai language since Theros set. The FAQ is very useful in store that do not have judges available during prerelease of the new set. Please do continue involve in the project. |
To Clifford Yap, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Riccardo Tessitori, L5 |
Hello Clifford, every time we had a difficult situation (for example a scorekeeping difficulty) at one of your GPs, you were always ready to step up and assit us to solve the issue, with your calm and alwyas smiling attitude; it’s a great example for us. Thank you!Riccardo |
To Dennis Xiao, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
At GP Melbourne, you and Yu Win helped me gather decklists for Day 2 before heading to the judge dinner. You were already off duty and should have been on your way, but you checked up on me and made sure I wasn’t left behind. You might not think it’s a big deal, but it was to me |
To John Say, L1 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Joel T Bantiles, L3 |
Kamusta! Thanks for the short sleeved judge shirts and your patience with them.Also the FB group for judges and TOs is a cool project. Lastly, excellent job on the GP Manila travel guide!.Keep it up! |
To Jutamanee Chaiyakam, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by monsuporn lauhaphand, L3 |
Thank you so much for spending your time and effort to involve in translate the FAQ of new set to Thai language since Theros set. The FAQ is very useful in store that do not have judges available during prerelease of the new set. Please do continue involve in the project. |
To Monsuporn Lauhaphand, L3 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
Thank you for leading the translation efforts to make Magic more accessible to Thai players. Often our impact as judges is felt most at the stores where we judge, but with the translations you’re helping all the stores and players in Thailand by making prereleases better for them. – Wearn |
To Nattadate Watcharasiri, L1 from Southeast Asia Recognized by monsuporn lauhaphand, L3 |
Thank you so much for spending your time and effort to involve in translate the FAQ of new set to Thai language since Theros set. The FAQ is very useful in store that do not have judges available during prerelease of the new set. Please do continue involve in the project. |
To Philip Adrian Pena, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Joel T Bantiles, L3 |
Kamusta! Thanks for stepping up while I’m gone in organizing judges for GPTs. Also the judge shirt project and the GP travel guide project that you initiated shows your leadership potential. Stay humble and trust our community. Lead by example. Keep it up! |
To Philip Adrian Pena, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
Ever since becoming L2, you’ve been actively certifying new judges in one of the more isolated areas of the Philippines and putting in lots of reviews. Your enthusiasm and desire to help the local community is an example to others. Keep up the good work! – Wearn |
To Rajesh Ganesan, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Riccardo Tessitori, L5 |
Hello Raj, your skills and your attitude have been a great example for us; you will be remembered and we will be inspired by you (and we will be waiting for your return). Thank you!Riccardo |
To Rommel Fariduddin, L1 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
Growing the Magic community in Penang? Check! Helping people get to L1? Check! Helping them get to L2? Check! Getting to L2 yourself? *crickets chirping* You’re doing a great job taking care of the community in Penang. When you’re ready, we’ll be here waiting to welcome you to L2. – Wearn |
To Sashi Kumar Balakrishnan, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Lems, L5 |
Loco! Thank you for contributing so much to events across the APAC region. Your style of active mentoring and constructive feedback is really making an impact. – Lems |
To Sashi Kumar Balakrishnan, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Riccardo Tessitori, L5 |
Hello Loco, the friendly and overall very professional approach you have for all the roles you perform during events is amazing and you are a great example for all of us. Thank you!Riccardo |
To Sashi Kumar Balakrishnan, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
You did a great job with the GP Manchester video. Your love for judging and what it meant shone through clearly, and many judges would have seen it and thought to themselves ‘yep, that’s why I love judging too!’. Players now also have better insight into what it means to be a judge. – Wearn |
To Shing Nien Fong, L3 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
The last two WMCQ’s we were at highlighted the amount of preparation you do to ensure they ran smoothly. You looked into all the things that TO’s should do (but often don’t get done), ensuring minimal setbacks or delays and thus an overall better experience for judges and players. Well done! – Wearn |
To Tammavit Tasnavites, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by monsuporn lauhaphand, L3 |
Thanks for your care to our local player by actively clarify and update the new rule and policy in our local webboard. Moreover, your lately involvement in translate FAQ into Thai also help both players and store especially during the new set release. Please do continue your great job. |
To Wearn Chong, L3 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Joel T Bantiles, L3 |
Thanks for the chat in PT M15. I know I’ve been judging outside of SEA lately but what I learned from you I apply it here. You are the beacon for SEA and the growth that our region gains is all attributed to you. Thanks for being an awesome RC. |
To Wearn Chong, L3 from Southeast Asia Recognized by monsuporn lauhaphand, L3 |
Being an RC require significant resources. I remembered how you managed judge conference at GP Singapore 2013 by utilize two shifts system due to the venue cost consideration. This demonstrate your planning skill and avoid unforeseen problem . Thank you so much for your hard work in the past decade! |
To Wearn Chong, L3 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Shing Nien Fong, L3 |
I really appreciate you for coming all the way and help out in the WMCQs after finding out we do not have enough judges to staff the events. And also not complaining after I throw the HJ roll to you at some-what last minutes in WMCQ#2. |
To Wella Anne Ladera, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Joel T Bantiles, L3 |
Kamusta! Thanks for organizing the monthly judge meetings. It’s a great help for new judges. Also excellent player reception with the online group for pairings in our second WMCQ. Excellent idea. Keep it up! |
To Wella Anne Ladera, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
Thank you for organising small judge classes on weekends for the L1s in your area. You also made sure judges had some fun activities after those classes, making it a great reminder that judging is not only about learning but also having fun! – Wearn |
To Yu Win Yew, L2 from Southeast Asia Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
At GP Melbourne, you and Yu Win helped me gather decklists for Day 2 before heading to the judge dinner. You were already off duty and should have been on your way, but you checked up on me and made sure I wasn’t left behind. You might not think it’s a big deal, but it was to me |