To Alex Roebuck, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Teun Zijp, L3 |
Thank you for your work at the PTQ in Brussels. You were a great mentor during the day, discussing situations and your approach with all other judges. I really appreciated that! |
To Carl Ansell, L1 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Raymond Fong, L3 |
Carl: This recognition is for your dedication to your Magic Group in Surbiton. Level 1 Judges do not always need to operate in a wider region (eg PTQs) to gain recognition and your frequent FB posts to the group shows it how much time and effort you put into nuturing your group. Keep it up! |
To Dave Gale, L1 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by David Lyford-Smith, L3 |
Dave, you never stop asking questions or getting your hands dirty. It’s a great reminder that as an L0 (and now an L1!) you can still participate actively in the community, and can contribute valuable resources like the audio-format JAR. |
To David Murray, L1 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by David Lyford-Smith, L3 |
David, I’ve had multiple people say to me how inspired they were by your commitment to improving yourself and your skills. Your Area Captain said it was like working with a different judge entirely on the second time, and that reminds us all that we can overcome our shortcomings! |
To Gianluca Bonacchi, L3 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Daniel Solé Garcia, L3 |
Every time that I attend to a GP and you’re in the staff, you give the impression that you never feel tired, so other judges gain energy while they talk and work with you. For that reason, I’m always happy when you’re in the staff.Thank you for all these years of judging and friendship! |
To Huw Morris, L1 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Raymond Fong, L3 |
Huw: you put in a lot of effort into your Oxford community. It might not be the biggest, but it is clear that your players benefit from your expertise as a judge and community leader. This pride is most visible when they compete in the Team Trio event against the larger towns. |
To Jack Doyle, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 |
Jack, thank you for making me talk so much about the L3 process. It gives me additional insight with it and enables evolution and fine-tuning. While most L3 candidates talk to me just to get their thing done, you care about others and about the big picture. Thanks! |
To Jack Doyle, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by David de la Iglesia, L3 |
Thank you for your dedication to the wiki and the judge blogs, editing content and helping with setting up new blogs. |
To Jack Doyle, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Joel Krebs, L3 |
Jack, you helped tremendously with the Official Resources Project. Not only by simply migrating content and proofreading, but also in discussions where we should be headed and what the underlying concepts of the projects are. Thank you very much! |
To Jack Doyle, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Matthew Johnson, L3 |
Hi Jack, you’ve definitely jumped in head first into the judge program. You have your fingers in so many pies it puts the rest of us to shame (-: Not only am I impressed at how much you do, you’ve improved all the things you’ve worked with. Good job (-: |
To Jack Doyle, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Teun Zijp, L3 |
Thank you Jack, for your work at PTQ Brussels and the extensive review you wrote of me afterwards. It was the best (as in: best written, lengthy, factual) review I’ve received for quite a while. Thank you again! |
To James Basquill, L1 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Oli Bird, L3 |
Thanks, James, for nailing your first event. There’s no requirement for being able to judge at comp for an L1, let alone an L0, but you stepped up when we were in need and did a fantastic job. Specifically, your skill with people was a joy to watch. The cheer when you passed the exam made me smile. |
To Joe Gillard, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by David Lyford-Smith, L3 |
Joe, you are my favourite example of a leader in community building. You do a great job growing the South West, advertising it, and showing off your community pride. My vision for the Area Captains was largely inspired by wanting to make more Joe Gillards. Thanks |
To Joe Gillard, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Kim Warren, L4 |
Your leadership and enthusiasm in the West and South-West of the country has been exemplary, and it is good to see the fruits in terms of the growth in judges there. Thank you! Kim. |
To Joe Gillard, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Matthew Johnson, L3 |
Hi Joe, I know it’s been called out before, but you’ve done a really good job developing the Southwest, pushing it forward even as an L1 and more so now as an L2 and area captain. |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Christoper Richter, L4 |
I hope this isn’t a surprise, but I see you as an incredible resource to the entire team of L4 and L5 judges. Your energy, insight and ability are invaluable to us. Thanks! |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Claire Dupre, L3 |
Each time I work with you, I’m really impressed by the way you are, always optimistic and positive. And more important, you spread your “aura” and share these feeling, making judges around you really cool, even in stressful situation. Thanks for that ! |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Dustin de Leeuw, L3 |
Kim, the way you mentored and coached me at GP Milan was amazing: helping me to find my way as a new L3, while avoiding pampering. Thank you so much for picking up any stitches I dropped! |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Johanna Virtanen, L3 |
I was having a hard time coming up with a senior judge for this thing, then after talking to you I realized that I talk to you almost every day and you’re almost always willing to listen to my…concerns about the judge program. I really appreciate that. |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Kaja Pękala, L3 |
You’re someone I could always relate to easily; although I initially considered you mostly a real-life role model, it quickly stretched to judging as well. After all, the two things: who we are as people and as judges, are tightly interwoven. Thanks for inspiring me in more areas than I could tell. |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Kevin Desprez, L5 |
Kim,Your implication in making Kobe Friday Grinders work despite the language and the cultural barrier was impressive. I do not believe they would have worked nearly as great without your investment. It’s been even more impressive as it was your first time in Japan as a judge!Congrats! Kevin. |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Lems, L5 |
Kim Your consistently high level of activity on the Level 4+ judge list is impactful and inspiring to us all. Thank you for bringing new energy into the Senior Judge group since the first day you joined. – Lems |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Oli Bird, L3 |
Thank you for your humility, Kim. You’re so much better at this than you believe you are. Because you have time from everybody from a position of equality, you really help to inspire those around you, and show them that even L4s are still human |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Tasha Hayashi, L3 |
Kim, thanks for your role in discussing harassment and unsporting conduct policy, as well as educating on the topic. Your willingness to take on a public role is tremendous, especially on such an emotionally charged topic. On top of that, your willingness to openly discuss health challenges and finding a reasonable balance with judging has been really helpful to encourage other judges to set reasonable expectations and boundaries. |
To Kim Warren, L4 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Toby Elliott, L5 |
I know you profess to have not put as much time in as you’d like, but you’ve done a fine job herding the Irregulars through the morph discussion and getting blog posts up. |
To Mark Mc Govern, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Gianluca Bonacchi, L3 |
For the great job with the Irish judge community, even if you are mostly a player you still manage to put a lot of effort in judging and in helping judges, you are a great example for a lot of passionate players who want to start judging and you organized a great first Irish judge conference! |
To Mark Mc Govern, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Oli Bird, L3 |
Thanks, Mark. You’re the heart of the Irish community. You give with no thought of the cost. You’re the best person I can think of to point to about the advantages of this system – now you can get your due. You don’t have the time to judge many GPs, but you spend every waking minute on the family. |
To Michael Chamberlain, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by David Lyford-Smith, L3 |
Michael, you are the best person I have to talk to when it comes to the activity I’m doing as I write this: recognitions. You are always positive about making recognitions projects work and about seeking out great examples. Your seminar at GP Manchester was among the best I’ve been to. |
To Nick Hall, L1 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by David Lyford-Smith, L3 |
Nick, you took care of some players who were rattled by an investigative ruling I made. You noticed they were feeling bad and went out of your way to find their friends so they could feel better. Your care for your fellow Magic people was inspiring to me – thank you. |
To Oli Bird, L3 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Gianluca Bonacchi, L3 |
For helping me in joining the Irish judge community, and talking with me trying to find a solution when you saw that I wasn’t active. Thank you! |
To Oli Bird, L3 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Kim Warren, L4 |
You helped me grow from a smug undergrad into an actual person. In other words, it’s your fault! I’ve been very glad that you have continued working to grow the next generation of L3s in our region. Kim. |
To Raymond Wat, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Raymond Fong, L3 |
This recognition is for your increased dedication to the Judge Program since certifying for Level 2. You have been involved in so many events and community projects (GP Photographer, Team Trio HJ, London Area Captain), you have shown what it is to be an outstanding L2! |
To Ross Silcock, L1 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Matthew Johnson, L3 |
Hey Ross. That you’re still an L1 is definitely a bug. You’re excellent in all roles and the success of all the Manchester events is definitely helped by your input and management. I hope that next time you’ll be taking up one of my L2 recognition slots (-; |
To Ross Silcock, L1 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Raymond Fong, L3 |
Your contribution towards Fanboy 3 and Manchester is, put simply, amazing and often beyond the call of duty. This recognition is for your personal dedication to Magic and allowing so many others continue to enjoy playing in a welcome and embracing atmosphere |
To Stelios Kargotis, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by jeremie granat, L3 |
I’m really sad that you still haven’t passed the written exam but I love the fact you are still working on it and giving it your all. You have tremendous willpower and I love that about you |
To Stelios Kargotis, L2 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Kim Warren, L4 |
Your passion, enthusiasm, and dedication to learning and then to teaching are inspiring. Thank you. Kim. |
To Thomas Ralph, L3 from United Kingdom and South Africa Recognized by Raymond Fong, L3 |
Your recent Level 3 Promotion is well deserved. It has been a joy watching you work in a host of recent events and seminars. You have kept up with ever-changing judge philosophies and policies over the years and you have proven yourself ready to lead our UK, IRL and SA community! |