To Alex Moore, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Alex, you have the best attitude of any judge in the SW region, to the point where I find it a bit implausible. Your handling of the dustup with the Force of Wills – setting people straight and just having the best possible outlook on it – that was awesome. Also, props for giving up your judge shirt at Phoenix so that Phil Painter could have one. That gesture meant a lot to him.. Good work all around. |
To Alex Valencourt, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Joe Wiesenberg, L3 |
Alex, Even though you don’t seem to recognize it, you’re consistently one of the most valuable judges on staff. You’re extremely introspective and always leave an event with ways to improve. You freely offer suggestions to make event logistics better, as at GP Portland. |
To Angela Chandler, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Angela, you have done amazing work both as an organizing force and a binding force for LA – your warmth and inclusiveness helps tie everyone together, and your work on the facebook group and organizing the judge meetings help keep things running smoothly. Thanks for everything you do! |
To Angela Chandler, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Joe Wiesenberg, L3 |
Angie, You’re a unifying influence in an area that hasn’t always had one. Despite LA’s uncooperative geography, you’ve been doing awesome work in organizing judge gatherings and finding venues for them. You’re providing great community-building where there wasn’t any before. |
To Angela Chandler, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Josh Stansfield, L3 |
Angie, thank you for being who you are! You represent the smiling face of the judge program I wish we all could be during events, and your community work with judge meetings is invaluable. Thank you! |
To Arthur Halavais, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Arthur, I don’t know how you turned from Darth Vader into the socially conscious, thoughtful and caring dude that you are today, but I am impressed. Along with Synthia, you are my touchstone for issues of inclusiveness and how to handle sensitive communication. Also, thanks for looking out for the judges at SLC – I got feedback from a judge that you were on the ball on making sure the vendors didn’t take advantage of the judges – part and parcel of the cuddly teddy bear of a person you have become, to which I say two things: 1.) wth? and 2.) I for one salute our new, cuddly overlords. |
To Billicent San Juan, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Aaron Hamer, L3 |
For being a force of positivity and love, for affirming and supporting those around you, and for aligning with those who need it. |
To Billicent San Juan, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Federico Donner, L3 |
It’s not usually to see a L1 judge with such a charisma and amazing personality. I’ve only worked with you on one event but I keep a very fond memory of you. Keep up the amazing work and inspiration. |
To Billicent San Juan, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Joe Wiesenberg, L3 |
Billy, I wouldn’t be shocked if you’re the most recognized L1 in the program. We have plenty of rules- and event-focused judges, but your continual dedication to improving not just the program but the people within it is amazing. Whenever you’re at an event, everyone has a better time as a result. |
To Billicent San Juan, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Matteo Callegari, L3 |
Billy, one of the most important qualities of any judge is the care in developing and fostering a healthy play environment. Your dedication to customer care, your friendly and relaxed attitude, the smile and energy you put in all your Magic activities make everyone feel welcome and appreciated! |
To Billicent San Juan, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Scott Marshall, L5 |
Billy, if more judges would follow your example of how to interact with people – players, judges, anyone! – then the Magic Community would be a far, far better place. (And it’s already pretty darn good!) |
To Billicent San Juan, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Stefan Ladstaetter, L3 |
If we had to vote on a spokesperson for the judge program, Billy would get my vote. His warmth, enthusiasm and drive are highly infectious. His understanding of customer service is unparalleled, which is both enlightening to read and a joy to witness. |
To Billy San Juan, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
I’d like to recognize you for how you handled the terrible situation at GenCon. You kept your cool, watched what was going on, saw that you were needed and applied your expertise. I think that your intervention there shifted how that event will be remembered by everyone it affected. You should be proud of how you handled that situation, and I think it’s okay to just take a moment to feel that. |
To Chad Havas, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Chad, thanks for being a great mentor and educator. Many of the new judges in the region have an outlook that is clearly influenced by yours, and for the better. Also, thanks for always seeking improvements when you’re dissatisfied with the way things are going, and being constructive rather than complaining – finding opportunities to improve the way the meetups were being run, in conjunction with Alex, was terrific. |
To Chris Wong, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Chris, you may appear to be a cynic at first glance (and also second and third glances), but behind that sarcastic wit lurks a big – possibly dangerously enlarged – heart. I noticed you paying attention to how folks were holding up at Portland, and certainly appreciated you bailing me out when I wasn’t going to be able to get a meal break in. Thanks for caring. |
To Chris Wong, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Josh Stansfield, L3 |
Chris, I have always enjoyed working with you, because you act as an ambassador for judges. You make sure they’re treated fairly and well-fed, even going so far as to buy food out of pocket to make sure it happens. You also always have insightful advice to offer. Thanks! |
To David Delgado, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Jeff Morrow, L3 |
Hey there, Dave. Thanks for being the judge I could really lean on at the recent PTQ. I think we did a solid job, and you were a key part of that success. J-Mo |
To David Delgado, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Toby Elliott, L5 |
Thanks for going the extra mile for the Berkeley judge scene! The players and judges alike really appreciate the positive attitude you bring to the events. |
To David Hartford, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by CJ Crooks, L3 |
Thank you for the spectacular job coordinating Travel Guides for the western half of North America. Its a big job and all of your work is behind the scenes. I continue to be thankful that you decided to jump aboard the existing project and lend a hand. |
To David Hartford, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Joel Krebs, L3 |
Seeing how big your workload besides Magic is, I am even more impressed on how well you prepared meeting with your first Judge Candidate and how high your standards towards your own mentor capabilities are! I can only hope, that you will find another candidate soon! |
To David Zimet, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Sean Catanese, L4 |
Your approach to a sensitive issue was expedient and comprehensive. Your findings were appropriate, as well, and I look forward to ensuring the recommendations you presented are put into practice. As always, you showed excellent discretion in a sensitive process. Thank you! |
To Doug Malotte, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Doug, there was a lot of debate and discussion during the L2 changes. However, you were one of the very few people who moved into action to support the community and offer help to anyone who wanted to meet the new requirements for leveling. Thank you for your support of the community and for going above and beyond what is required of your level. |
To Eric Cheung, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Josh Stansfield, L3 |
Eric, you continually impress me with your even temperament and ability to mentor other judges so comfortably. Thanks for always being willing to step up when asked! |
To Frank Chafe, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Frank, you have made tremendous progress since October of last year – just 180 degrees. I’m happy to be able to recognize you for your endurance and perseverence. |
To Frank Chafe, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Josh Stansfield, L3 |
Frank, you’ve come a long way through some hard struggles, and still manage to be a better judge each time I work with you. You inspire me to never give up. Thanks! |
To Frank Chafe, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Tasha Hayashi, L3 |
Frank, thanks for stepping up in special ops at Grand Prix Portland and Salt Lake City. We tried a lot of new things, and your poise and flexibility really helped make that a success. On top of all that, your entertaining players and judges at GP Salt Lake City was a fantastic help in making sure everyone had a great time. Thank you! |
To Jacob H. Haven, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Toby Elliott, L5 |
Thanks for all your efforts in building up the Stanford community. We’ll miss you! |
To Jeff Morrow, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 |
Jeff, thank you so much for spontaneously taking over Gavin’s duties! Not only did you fill in the spot but also looked for immediate improvements! |
To Jeff Morrow, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Stefan Ladstaetter, L3 |
J-Mo has many qualities that make him an outstanding judge, but the one I admire most is his deep understanding of the underlying concepts, rules and procedures of the judge program, and I wish I had half of his ability to communicate them so clearly. |
To Jeremy Fain, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Josh Stansfield, L3 |
Jeremy, thank you for being so eager to learn as soon as you were certified. I’m always impressed with your desire to understand philosophy and policy, and with your desire to improve your local store. Thanks! |
To Jeremy Stoermer, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Jeremy, your leadership in the San Marcos and Temecula communities helps keep things clear that judges are not just players that are good at the rules, but ethical leaders of their communities that work hard to create good experiences. Thanks also for your participation in the judge meetups – you really helped keep things on track. |
To Jeremyah Stoermer, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Joe Wiesenberg, L3 |
Jeremy, Your free time is limited, and I’m always grateful when you can devote it to judging. You’re consistently a rock-solid addition to my staffs and in a time when a lot of judges are complaining about hard changes, you’re asking for ways you can contribute and meet new requirements. |
To Jess Dunks, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Jess, I’m not happy that you’re leaving, but I am grateful for what you’ve left behind – when we first met you didn’t necessarily strike me as a big community builder, but that’s what you’ve created in the Bay Area – your investment in the people you’ve worked with has left an impression that will be with us for a long time to come. Thanks for being a part of the family – we will miss you. (Until we see you again at events. Then we will temporarily stop missing you.) |
To Jess Dunks, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Toby Elliott, L5 |
Being the main judge at CFB may be the toughest job in the entire program, and you’ve done a fantastic job at it for the last few years. I think everyone there is going to miss your presence a lot more than they currently think, even though you’ve done a good job training your replacements. |
To Joe Kavanagh, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Joe, ever since we first worked together at Phoenix I’ve been impressed by your initiative and fearlessness when it comes to seeing where things could use improving and stepping up to try to improve them. Thank you for showing great leadership among the newer judges in the program, who are frequently intimidated out of using their expertise by their perceived level gap with the senior judges. |
To Joe Wiesenberg, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Joe, your leadership has kept the San Diego community active and growing, and your contributions are not merely limited to your participation in running and hosting the judge meetups, you’re basically the central personality for the whole greater San Diego area. Your influence provides people with a sense of continuity and stability, and there’s a sense of security for all the judges knowing that you are there to be the buffer between them and the region’s TOs if needed, some of whom have the word “crazy” _literally in their name._ |
To Joel Krebs, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David de la Iglesia, L3 |
Thank you for your titanic efforts in developing the Magic Judge blog network and portal. Thank you for sharing your ideas and knowledge, and for the insight and wise advice during the development of these projects. |
To Joel Krebs, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Lems, L5 |
Joel Discussing WordPress with you has been some of my favorite interactions of the past year. Your willingness to simultaneously learn while helping others makes it a pleasure to develop alongside you. – Lems |
To Joel Krebs, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Oli Bird, L3 |
Thanks for the time you’ve spent on Jack, Joel. Your mentorship for him has made him temper his arrogance without dampening his confidence – a difficult task. He should become a very good L3 with time, but that initial investment to help his personality work better with his skills has been crucial. |
To Joeseph Wiesenberg, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Josh Stansfield, L3 |
Joe, I admire your mentorship skills and community development activities. You are very proactive about encouraging reviews and talking with each judge on your staff during events to simultaneously learn and teach. Thanks for all you do! |
To Joey Valente, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Joe Wiesenberg, L3 |
Joey, You’re a huge asset to our local community. You build positive relationships with players very easily. I’ve often witnessed you proactively get involved with player concerns even when you’re not on staff for an event. Players trust you and come to you with questions. |
To John O’Donnell, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
John, no less than three people contacted me to let me know that you were absolutely for sure the person that I absolutely could not miss recognizing in this iteration of Exemplar. It’s a good call. I’m very impressed with how you stepped up for Joseph – advocating for folks that are getting the screws put to them is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. Others were more impressed with how you threw down with some casual leatherworking to salvage Chad’s belt mid-event. Thanks for doing all you do, and for being agreeable and low-key as you do it. |
To Josh Stansfield, L3 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Eric Levine, L3 |
Thanks for helping me deal with a particularly irate player at GP Portland, even when it wasn’t necessarily “your job.” It was a really strange situation – so strange that I wasn’t totally sure what to do – but with your support I was able to handle it. Thanks! |
To Leo Maros, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Leo, thanks for bringing the fun to the region of Mandatory Fun. Your contributions to the SW forum, both serious and humorous, help keep things lively and help build our regional identity. What I think is most noteworthy is the way you’ve helped stand up leaders throughout the Los Angeles area – a couple years back LA was a little bit of a wasteland, and I think your influence and effort was much of what has led to the community that has sprung up throughout the area. Personally I know I would enjoy my job a lot less without our collaboration. |
To Marco Herrera, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Marco, you’ve made an impression with your enthusiasm and commitment to judging that has been noticed by your peers and senior judges in your community. I’ve been very glad to see you step up and bring positive energy and enthusiasm to events. Keep it up! |
To Michael Arrowsmith, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Aaron Hamer, L3 |
For handling ostracism with grace. |
To Mickey Walkup, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Mickey, I was impressed not only by your performance at GP Sacramento but also by the fact that you overcame personal adversity in light of it. I honestly had no idea of the hurdle you overcame until our discussion. Someone’s first GP is a large enough task on its own, but you showed true courage and determination beyond that fact. Thank you for being awesome. |
To Mike Griffin, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Mike, thanks for your work in helping to grow the Arizona community. I’m sorry that we weren’t able to hold on to you for longer, but you made the most of your time, and you set things into motion that I’m hopeful that Devin and the other members of the community will be able to keep going. |
To Ryan Bez, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Ryan, I would like to recognize your persistence and hard work in a long journey of improvement. You didn’t get off to the best start, but you have stayed with judging persistently and have really battled to establish yourself through a background of negative perceptions, and based on the feedback I’ve heard you’ve really come into your own as a solid judge. Keep up the good work. |
To Synthia Weires, L1 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Synthia, thank you for being one of the voices speaking out for the interests of diversity and inclusiveness. Your awareness of these issues promotes the Magic: The Gathering community as a place of acceptance for everyone. |
To Toby Elliott, L5 from USA – Southwest Recognized by John Carter, L3 |
Toby is the embodiment of integrity. Watching the way he engages with judges is always a joy. No matter how twisted the scenario or flawed the logic, Toby quietly untangles the messes and gets judges on the right track with patience and care. |
To Toby Elliott, L5 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Nicholas Fang, L3 |
Policy and philosophizing is often a thankless job, when it shouldn’t be. |
To Toby Elliott, L5 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Steven Zwanger, L3 |
Toby, whenever you’re head judging (such as the Las Vegas Invitational in December and GP Minneapolis in May), you are always so hands-on, particularly in watching matches that are still playing at the end of the round. I think that serves as a great model for lower-level judges. |
To Vicente Davis, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by Sean Catanese, L4 |
Vicente, your leadership of your community has been top-notch, and I’ve been hearing about it from several areas, not just the local judges who benefit from your leadership, but from players who recognize your contributions as well. You are a solid example for us all! |
To Xander Forral, L2 from USA – Southwest Recognized by David Zimet, L3 |
Xander, along with Doug you were one of the folks that really stepped up to help judges find opportunities to get HJ stints in as part of requalifying for L2. Thank you for your community-mindedness in using your position to the benefit of those judges that might otherwise have struggled to get the judging opportunities they needed. |