Feedback: A Communication Safety Feature

We’ve all experienced communication breakdowns. Sometimes there are technical factors, like bad reception or ambient noise. Sometimes there is a problem with effectiveness; the communicator is doing a poor job of selecting words. And sometimes there are semantic problems, those times when the intended message doesn’t match the received message. In day-to-day life, semantic problems […]

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Celebrating 100 Posts!

Welcome to The Feedback Loop‘s 100th post! In celebration of this milestone, we as the blog staff have each written 100 words about feedback and a brief introduction to our involvement in the judge program. [expand title=”Eric Dustin Brown, Blog Manager“]When I started judging a lot of us referred to the program as a “Cult […]

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Scaling Feedback for Aspiring L2s

When I was a kid, I loved to read. One series that I grew to love was the Choose Your Own Adventure series. The fun in these books was the feeling of choice. You had power to decide how the story turned out. Similarly, participation in the judge program is choosing an adventure. Not every […]

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