Hello everyone! Were you concerned that this week’s Judge of the Week hadn’t been announced yet? Have no fear, it was just a small technical problem. JOTW will be here forever and ever and ever!
This week’s Judge of the Week is Francois Grobler, a Level 1 from South Africa. He started playing Magic in 2001, decided he needed to meet new people, and became a judge 9 months later! In his own words:
“I became a judge because I needed new players to play against. I taught everyone in my family and circle of friends and I ran out of people to play against. Everyone I knew also played with MY cards and mostly I built their decks. I organized my first tournament before I judged. Everyone asked me about the rules and I knew I needed to study them. The GP in Cape Town was where I knew I would like to be a judge. When I introduced myself to him, Colin Smith told me I was not his slave for the day but that I was part of the team! Passed my Level 1 late that evening.”
Occupation: Psychologist
Favourite card: Shivan Wurm, the first rare he opened
Least favourite card: Mystic Snake, to which he has lost many a game
Favourite non-Magic game: Risk
Commander general: Captain Sisay
Random fact: Favourite colour is Blue, but personality is Green/White.
How has being a judge influenced your non-Magic life?
I have realized that is it not that difficult to organize events, or be a leader in a community – you just have to step up and do it. I have met the most interesting people in Magic whom I would not have otherwise met. It taught me patience and acceptance of people different to me, because in the end we are more the same than we are different.
What motivates you to continue being a judge?
I love the game and the people playing the game. There are always new faces and new friends and even old friends that stop playing stay friends.
Tell us your favourite judge story:
Probably Judging the side events at Worlds 2008 in New York was a blast! Had so much fun and met the greatest Judges in the world.
What’s the best part about your local Magic community?
The friendly helpful atmosphere. We are always joking and have true support for our fellow players.
What is your favourite non-judging moment that happened with other judges?
There are so many as well. After Nationals we always have the Judge Dinner, which is very cool. But my favorite must be when Carlos Ho came to South Africa to stay with me and attend the 2010 Soccer World Cup. It was one of the most memorable and Magical times in my life and South African history.
What character in Magic represents you the best, and why?
Gaddock Teeg, I see myself as wise, but like to keep things small and simple. (Editor’s note: He doesn’t look that small, though )
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I am very grateful for the wonderful chance I have to be part of the Judge program. It offers a wonderful opportunity to have a real positive influence in people’s lives.
Please leave questions/comments for Francois below, and as always, nominate a judge today!
Congrats to Francois for being Judge of the Week!
I have judged with Francois at many events over the years, and he is truly one of the best people I know.
He is a great Judge and I am honoured to call him my friend.