Join us as more top regional Exemplar recipients share what their favourite event teams or judge projects are!
Tomáš Joska
This week's installment of Judge of the Week takes us on a trip to the Czech Republic as Tomáš Joska talks about the importance of community and a unique way to introduce players to the rules of Magic!
JOTW Exemplar Wave 12 Part 1
This time around, we are highlighting some of the top Exemplar recipients from Wave 12. We asked them, "What is your favourite event team or judge project you have participated in and why?" Check out their responses! And remember, nominations for Wave 13 are due May 15!
Graham Schofield
The Judge exploits of one Graham Schofield, in which we hear of car karyaoke, counting cards, and a plea for spare socks.
Tobias Vyseri
This installment of Judge of the Week weaves art, storytelling, and Magic together. Join us as we learn from Tobias Vyseri.