L2 AJ Kerrigan has excelled as a player, a columnist and now a judge.
Every week, another Rockstar
L2 AJ Kerrigan has excelled as a player, a columnist and now a judge.
Greetings, judges! For this week's rock star, we have a judge with some fantastic tips on playing with new players. Say 'Hello' to Chris Cahill!
We are ringing in 2017 with thoughts from many of the Regional Coordinators as to what they are most looking forward to in 2017! We will publish the thoughts of the other Regional Coordinators later this month.
Judges! Our rock star this week is none other than Belgium's own Jurgen Baert! He's a multi-talented individual that never too busy to lend support to his fellow judges.
L2 Emmanuel Gutierrez is known for organizing regular conferences for L1s and L2s in Paris, France, and he's our latest Judge of the Week!