Hello again! Let’s get right into it. Today’s Judge of the Week is Raven Fox, Level 2 from Raleigh, NC, USA! Raven was actually nominated by two judges separately, so that really shows how much of an impression’s made on people!
First, he was nominated by Jason McFarland, also from Raleigh. He says:
“Raven is a hard-working, charismatic judge who is always willing to do whatever the event required. He is also contagiously energetic, which always helps to up the motivation and excitement of other judges around him.”
And, Justin Turner, L3 from Florida and also Raven’s RC, says:
“Raven has this unlimited energy and enthusiasm for judging, people, and community. He is really good at what he does, adding urgency and professionalism to the floor, his demeanor is infectious. He makes judges around him happy and makes them work harder by being a solid example. He tested for L2 at the SCG:Charlotte invitational in December of 2010. While waiting for his advancement review, he certified 4 L1 judges by having a different L2 generate the tests for him!!! That level of dedication and hitting the ground running is exactly what I want to see in a new L2. There is currently a certification contest in the Southeast USA on Facebook. The group has been changed to be called “Raven Fox is winning this contest”. I think that speaks for itself.”
What excellent praise for Raven! Let’s find out more about this excellent judge…
Favourite card: Hypnotic Specter (I thought it was the best creature ever printed when I first started playing Magic. Something about going Dark Ritual into Hippie was insane to me)
Least favourite card: Dovescape (That card is absolutely no fun at all. During the early stages in my Magic career I continually got blown out by this card)
Favourite format: It’s a toss up between Draft and Commander (there is something about being on the spot to build a good yet sometimes wacky deck that gets the blood pumping. And Commander, specifically Planechase Commander is a fun format that lets you do insane things while enjoying others’ insane plays)
Commander general: I have 3 – My favorite general is Kiku, Night’s Flower, then there is Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer, and Szadek, Lord of Secrets
Favourite non-Magic game (general): Football (I grew up playing it and I can’t leave it alone)
Favourite non-Magic game (card/board game): Warmachine (It’s a newfound love and something very much different to anything I’ve ever done)
Random fact about yourself: I’ve secretly always wanted to be a power ranger. (Editor’s note: Who hasn’t??)
You were nominated because of your energetic nature, hard-working attitude and outgoing personality. How do you stay so energetic?
First I’m extremely humbled by the nomination so big thanks and shout-out to Jason McFarland*! And I feel as if those traits are fairly accurate. I love being a well-rounded judge who just does what is needed to make sure that the tournament runs smoothly. I took that page out of a lot of experienced judges that I met over the years. They have just boggled my mind with their extensive knowledge not only with rules but also tournament structure and I want to continue that. Also energy is needed when at a large event and sometimes you are spent…so whats better than feeding off one of your peers? So I try to be that source whatever event I’m at.
What character in Magic represents you the best?
Teferi! Because not only does he bring energy (Flash) to the party, he also brings it for his comrades while being stoic and protecting his friends (i.e. his third ability).
How has being a judge influenced your non-Magic life?
Being a judge has given me lots of confidence to do what I need to do in my non-Magic life. It definitely has equipped me with the tools needed to function well among my peers and not be so passive.
What motivates you to continue being a judge?
What motivates me to continue to judge is the awesome opportunity to travel around the globe and meet other awesome judges! As well as learning new techniques and styles to take back home and use that to interest others in judging! I love growing the program and that’s always on my mind when I go places so where there is an opportunity to meet cool people and raise the interest in joining our program I’m super excited!
What is your favourite non-judging moment that happened with other judges?
Getting Meat-drunk at Fogo De Chao in Atlanta.
Tell us an embarrassing story that you’re not afraid of everyone knowing.
I’m sure this story gets circulated enough but in Sept. of last year there was an event in Atlanta and after a already long weekend I took an impromptu nap which ended up with a drunk giraffe on my back (it was stuffed) and a cheeseburger in my hand with lots of pictures. So embarrassing.
What’s the best part about your local Magic community?
The best part about my local community (shoutout to Game Theory and Endless Gaming) is that every day there is always someone down to game whatever format interests you. And if a huge tournament is coming up everyone is always trying to help you test and obtain cards needed to propel you to success. There is also unlimited Cube drafting!
What’s the biggest rule-breaking play you’ve ever made as a player?
Using Vindicate at instant speed during a Competitive REL tournament and not getting called on it all day.
If you could chat with one person, real or fictional, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Honestly, probably Martin Luther King Jr. just to pick his brain and ask “How did you continue to move forward with the constant death threats to not only you but your followers and your family? What kept you motivated?”
What would you be doing now if Magic no longer existed?
I would be crying….nonstop. Lol but honestly I have no idea there hasn’t been a game to keep my attention for nearly as long as Magic (besides football).
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Just a huge thank you to everyone out in the program that has allowed me to join their events and help me grow as a person and judge. I’m so honored to serve alongside you guys week in and out.
Two Truths and a Lie
Two of the following statements are true, and one is false. Figure out which one!
1. I used to be a wrestler.
2. I’m left-handed.
3. I used to be in a jazz symphony.
Of course the most energetic guy in Judge of the Week history has the longest interview! A big thanks to Raven for providing such an excellent interview! Please leave your guesses and comments down below, and make sure to nominate a judge today!
[expand title=”The answer to last week’s TwoOne Truth and a Lie…”]Jernej has not designed his own Magic set. That means he’s judged a GP with a broken leg… what dedication![/expand]
*When we contacted Raven for the interview, we only told him that Jason McFarland had nominated him, because of some clerical confusion. We apologize to Justin for not telling Raven about his nomination.
Thanks Michael!
Yes he wrestled in high school
Yes he is left handed
No he never did anything with jazz he can’t dance LOL
One more thing am his Mother that’s how I know:)
Thanks Guys for nominating my son he is Awsome
This is the best comment I’ve ever read.