Improvements to ‘Standby’ Workflow

As Grand Prix attendance continues to soar, and more PTOs want to have contingency staff members in place in the event of a registration surge, we’ve made some improvements to the Standby workflow.

Judges will continue to be able to apply for Standby as a sponsorship option (so long as the event creator chose it to be an option).  If a judge is awarded Standby sponsorship, they’ll be added to the event in a new role, conveniently called ‘Standby’.

‘Standby’ existing as a role then means it’s very easy for event staff to add judges to the event as Standby at any point, and to switch a Standby judge’s role to something like Floor Judge.

We hope this helps keep GP and other staffs organized and well-prepared to provide a great player experience!

And last but not least, big thanks to Carsten Haese for all his work in improving this!