The JudgeApps development team has been busy, working hard to keep JudgeApps full of the features that can help judges and organizers manage their events as smoothly as possible.
Here are the latest two additions:
Non-application Events
When JudgeApps was originally put together, the primary function was to staff events. It’s grown, and we’re seeing lots of judges who want to use it to keep a richer event history, or just to take advantage of things like Event Forums, even when their event has a full staff already. With that, we’ve removed the requirement of the Application Deadline. If you create an event without an Application Deadline, no notifications will be sent to judges looking for events in that region and your event won’t display on the Events Open for Application view.
Event Cloning
If you’ve got an existing (current or past) event that you’re an admin of, you’ll now find a nice ‘Clone Event’ link in the top. It’ll take you to create an event with most of the fields already filled out (location, organizer, type, etc). Just make sure to double check everything is still accurate!
Both of these features were implemented by Craig Reeder
, who is conveniently celebrating his birthday today!
Thanks, Craig – and Happy Birthday!
– Lems