Good on you, Jim

Anna and Nalick are playing in a PTQ. Jim, a spectator, has asked them to pause and called you over. He explains this situation: At the end of Anna’s turn, Nalick taps out to play , choosing to draw a card. After it resolves Anna’s friend Ben says “You should probably cast that,” pointing to […]

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Athena is playing against Neptune at a GPT. Athena controls a . Neptune controls an with 3 red plastic beads on it. Athena casts a on the Elocutors, and Neptune places another red bead on it before sliding it across the table. Athena asks what the red beads represent, and Neptune replies, “I’ve just put […]

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The Fateseal Reveal

Aaron and Nadine are playing each other in the third round of a Legacy GPT. Aaron has a in play. He activates Jace’s +2 ability, and looks at the top card of Nadine’s library. He thinks for a moment, then shows it to Nadine and asks, “Is this the card you’re looking for?” while trying […]

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