Brainstorm and Notion Thief

Welcome back! Today we’re capping off the week with a Legacy-centric tip, in honor of the Eternal Masters previews starting next week! doesn’t see a TON of play in Legacy, but it can be absolutely backbreaking if you time it right. One such time is against Brainstorm, Legacy’s favorite one mana draw spell. itself is […]

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How Splice Works

Welcome back to the Week of Modern here at the Rules Tips Blog! Today we’re going over a core card in another deck archetype- Grishoalbrand. More specifically, we’re looking at and and how the Splice mechanic works. Splice was a mechanic introduced in the Kamigawa block about 11 years ago, and it lets you sort […]

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Glimmervoid and Inkmoth Nexus

Today we’re continuing with the Modern Rules Tips! Since day one of the format, people have been jamming artifacts together for highly efficient aggro. Whether you call it Affinity or Robots or Tin Man All Star Band, the deck remains the same: Lots of artifacts getting turned sideways. The deck doesn’t tend to have a […]

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Thopter Foundry and Sword of the Meek: How It Works

Today we’re covering another relatively “new” interaction in Modern- the Thopter/Sword combo! was recently unbanned in Modern alongside (which we covered yesterday!), which means is ready to churn out bodies again. But how exactly does the combo work, so you know how to play it, OR how to disrupt it properly when you’re staring down […]

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Snapcaster And Ancestral Vision

With the recent unbanning of in Modern, many a blue player have been happily saying their three favorite words that aren’t “counter target spell”: “Draw three cards”! And obviously, you’d pair something spicy with all that card draw- perhaps a so you can double up the value on your spells and swing for 2? Unfortunately, […]

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