Hola everyone!
As 2016 is coming to an end The Magic Judges Facebook page team would like to share some information on the status of this project. We would like to look back at the work we did during the year within this project, see what posts were the most popular, discuss what have we been improving on since last year, and thank everyone who contributed to the project.
The project
Similarly to what we did in 2015, this year we have posted slightly over 400 updates. We have been working together with other judges in charge of projects (such as Judge Anniversaries, Judge of the Week, the Judge Articles blog, or Magic Judge Monthly, just to name a few) to periodically schedule posts advertising those projects, giving them a larger reach.
John Brian McCarthy has joined our team taking over from Rick Salamin
, and is now taking care of uploading the judge staff pictures taken at Grand Prix and Pro Tours. Check this Facebook album to see them all!
A piece of feedback we received last year regarding these judge staff pictures was that it was becoming hard to know which event did each staff picture belong to. To fix that we’ve started adding the specific event logos to these pictures. Massive thank you to Rick for his efforts within this project during the past years.
Jack Doyle still contributes to the project, acting as point of contact when I’m not available.
Some Statistics
(Click on the images to enlarge them.)
As 1st of January 2016 the page had over 6300 likes, now we’re standing at 8775! We’ve seen a significant change from 2015’s 55% of visitors between 25 and 34 years old to this year’s 44%. That 11% is now distributed equally between the 18-24 and 35-44 brackets.

But what were the most popular posts during 2016?
Here we have to differentiate between reach (the amount of people who sees a post on their Facebook timelines), and engagement (the amount of people reacting, sharing or commenting on a post).
The post that had the largest reach (almost 17k Facebook users) was the NNWO announcement. Note how almost 4.8k Facebook users clicked on the link to the announcement.

And the post with the largest engagement (almost 1200 reactions, comments and shares) was this variation on the Magic Judges logo containing the LGBT flag colors, designed by yours truly. We did this design in support of the Orlando shooting victims, their families and friends, and the LGBT worldwide community.

Besides this very popular branding we’ve used two other branding styles through the year, featuring the Force of Will artwork from Eternal Masters and the Kaladesh Key art. Thank you to Jose Tamargo and Steffen Baumgart
for their help with the page’s branding.
Featured content
This year we would like to highlight the “Judges at work” series of photo albums, that this year have driven a lot of traffic to the page. Here are some examples:

Thank you to John Brian McCarthy, Saverio Adamo
, and Tom Wood
for their contributions. John Brian McCarthy
is coordinating this initiative as well, if you’re interested in contributing please contact him!
What next?
We will do our best in 2017 to maintain our posting frequency of almost daily updates. We want the Magic Judges Facebook page to be available to promote and advertise your projects and initiatives, please contact me if you want to know more.
We would like to thank all of those who have requested and/or suggested topics to be posted on the page during 2016, and we hope to be able to help you all better communicating with the judge community during 2017.