Emmanuel Gutierrez (France) has been promoted to Level 3. French Level 3 judge Sophie Pages
asked some of Emmanuel’s colleagues to write some words for him:
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When you first meet Manu, you can’t miss his incredible dynamism and will to learn. On every tournament, his presence and his enthusiasm made him indispensable for the tournament. He is well prepared with his small papers, ready to beat any challenge that happens! He can provide deep reflexions or give a good team spirit to a team.
But what Manu is best known for is his passion for his community. I went to several people of his regional community and here what they wanted to say:
Aurélie Violette
He arrived like by chance in the Parisian community, and knowing anyone, he decided to participate to weekly seminars that I organised. His assiduity and his energy made him soon the main responsible of these conference, then I had no worries that he would replace me as area captain for the best. Continuing conferences, he also mentored Raphaël Delbarre to be his successor.
Raphaël Delbarre
He made weekly conferences for L0 and L1 that helped me a lot to improve before becoming the new area captain. After each GP, he summarizes what he learnt in a short post that inspire a lot of us! We can feel that he always wants to get better and we all want to follow his example.
Antoine Vallet
I would say that Manu has 3 exceptional qualities (very rare and extremely valuable) that make me the best mentor: he adapted to me. I like to move forward at my own pace, take my time. Manu never pushed me. He likes to see others succeed. He mentored us because he likes to see us growing. And what is the icing on the cake, which makes him the best mentor in the world, he offered me great opportunities. First the conference of Angers (while I was not even L1), he knew how to convince the organizers. Then he helped me to be selected to the Eternal Weekend. It was a great experience that allowed me to prepare for my first GP.
Khanh Le Thien
If you wondered about the usefulness of judge booth and certifications on GPs, look no further! Manu was certified on a GP, and very quickly became very visible in the Paris community. Not because he’s 1m90+ but because he immediately helped Aurélie and me organise (and present!) the weekly conferences with his trademark relaxed yet reliable style.
You can congratulate Emmanuel on his promotion post on the Magic Judges Facebook page.