Spring 2017 (Wave 9) is Posted

Written by Bryan Prillaman
Level 3, United States, Florida

The Spring 2017 Exemplar Wave (Wave #9) is live!


The Wave 9 review is compleat and the nominations are posted on Judgeapps! You can see nominations you gave and received here or use the search tool to see all the awesome things your fellow judges are doing; at home, at events, online, or in their community.

If you received a nomination, you will receive an email with instructions for the next step within two days. (spoilers: It will be a link to a Google form that looks a lot like last time)

Additionally, if you discover you cannot find a nomination that you wrote, that means it was Deferred. In my last blog post I talked about an potential improvement we were trying out. For Wave 9, nominations were either accepted or deferred and we did not seek revisions from authors. This freed us up enough to provide a personalized email explaining why the nomination was deferred. These emails will be sent in batches between now and the end of the weekend. Your deferred slot will appear in Judgeapps for Wave 10 later this month. Look for a blog later this month discussing what we learned from this change and what the future holds.

If you have any questions, please email exemplarprogram@gmail.com.

As a reminder, Wave 10 is currently open and ends Aug 2nd at 23:59 PST

Till next time.