Recently, while driving, I honked my horn at another driver. It doesn’t really matter when you’re reading this; the previous statement will hold true. We all honk our horns, but this most recent incident made me think a little beeper about honking and how it relates to feedback. Yes, feedback! Here in the US, horn-honking […]
Tag: Riki Hayashi
Celebrating 100 Posts!
Welcome to The Feedback Loop‘s 100th post! In celebration of this milestone, we as the blog staff have each written 100 words about feedback and a brief introduction to our involvement in the judge program. [expand title=”Eric Dustin Brown, Blog Manager“]When I started judging a lot of us referred to the program as a “Cult […]
Flash Feedback

Just write that review. Don’t mind how short it is. In fact, work on making it shorter.
Journey’s End

As I type this, I’m reminded of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode with the same title. No, it wasn’t the series finale. That one was titled All Good Things… which is a good one, both as a title and an episode. Just never try to explain Anti-Time to anyone. Ever. Sadly, Journey’s End […]
Les compè’reviews

(Article d’origine publié le 26 avril 2016 par et , traduit par ) RIKI : L’idée d’un compè’review (NdT : ou d’une consoeu’review d’ailleurs) m’est venu du fitness et de l’activité physique. Il est plus facile de suivre un régime ou un plan d’entraînement quand vous le faites avec un ami. Vous pouvez mettre en […]
L’état du feedback

(Article d’origine publié le 5 avril 2016 par , traduit par ) Récemment on m’a demandé quelle était ma vision du feedback dans le Programme d’Arbitrage et ma vision sur ce blog ; j’ai alors été surpris par le peu de réflexion que j’avais accordé à une chose aussi fondamentale. Commençons par la grande question […]
Détruisons trois mythes courants sur les reviews

Une review est une partie d’une conversation entre vous et votre sujet. Vous l’écrivez parce que vous vous intéressez à celui-ci.
Feedback Loop’s One-Year Anniversary!
This week on The Feedback Loop, I’m taking a break from our usual content to talk about the blog in general, both its past and its future. As of this post, we have been publishing weekly content for a full year, which is a great accomplishment. There are certainly other judge blogs that have been […]
Forward the Feedback
“This is a 2011 review.” If those words don’t mean anything to you, consider yourself lucky. This phrase is an inside joke amongst older judges (and trust me, if you get it, you are now considered old in the Judge Program). Back in 2011, judges writing reviews in the Judge Center noticed that the drop […]
Protection from Feedback
I coin a lot of words and phrases related to feedback. Usually, these are complete nonsense. But sometimes the framework of this good game we play and judge offers a phrase with usefulness beyond rules enforcement. This is true of protection, a keyword that prevents something from being blocked, targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted [by […]