This week, The Feedback Loop continues its celebration of 100 posts with your thoughts on feedback. Many thanks to the dozens of judges from around the world who contributed! If you missed the deadline, it’s not too late to join us. Share up to 100 words about feedback in the comments below! [expand title=”Erik Aliff, […]
Tag: Vision
Celebrating 100 Posts!
Welcome to The Feedback Loop‘s 100th post! In celebration of this milestone, we as the blog staff have each written 100 words about feedback and a brief introduction to our involvement in the judge program. [expand title=”Eric Dustin Brown, Blog Manager“]When I started judging a lot of us referred to the program as a “Cult […]
If I Could Change One Thing About Feedback
Changing your perception of feedback isn’t something that happens because you read an article. It happens because you make a positive choice for the future in how you wish to leave your mark on the program.
On Shields and Feedback

Some time ago on this very blog I wrote about what it felt like to be recruited by Captain America himself to be a part of The Avengers. A little over two years after being recruited, asked if I’d like to pick up the shield. (Riki insists that he’s Nick Fury, but this is my […]
Journey’s End

As I type this, I’m reminded of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode with the same title. No, it wasn’t the series finale. That one was titled All Good Things… which is a good one, both as a title and an episode. Just never try to explain Anti-Time to anyone. Ever. Sadly, Journey’s End […]
L’état du feedback

(Article d’origine publié le 5 avril 2016 par , traduit par ) Récemment on m’a demandé quelle était ma vision du feedback dans le Programme d’Arbitrage et ma vision sur ce blog ; j’ai alors été surpris par le peu de réflexion que j’avais accordé à une chose aussi fondamentale. Commençons par la grande question […]
Détruisons trois mythes courants sur les reviews

Une review est une partie d’une conversation entre vous et votre sujet. Vous l’écrivez parce que vous vous intéressez à celui-ci.
Forward the Feedback
“This is a 2011 review.” If those words don’t mean anything to you, consider yourself lucky. This phrase is an inside joke amongst older judges (and trust me, if you get it, you are now considered old in the Judge Program). Back in 2011, judges writing reviews in the Judge Center noticed that the drop […]
My Favorite Coach

What kind of coach do you aspire to be? For me, there’s one coach who stands out above the crowd: coach Greg Popovich of the NBA’s San Antonio Spurs.
The Carrot and the Stick
There has long been a difference of opinions about the proper application of carrot versus stick–positive versus negative reinforcement–in encouraging the culture of feedback in the Judge Program. There’s really not much stick in the Judge Program when it comes to reviews these days. The current review-writing requirements are solely for advancement and maintenance. In the […]