When effects are permanent.

Continuous effects are those that apply to objects, players or the rules of the games for some period of time. The majority of continuous effects have a specific duration. For example, Act of Treason generates two different continuous effects that both last for the remainder of the turn that the Act of Treason resolves. They change the control of the targeted creature and they give the targeted creature Haste.

However there are instances where a continuous effect does not have a duration specified. In those instances the effect will be permanent and last until the game ends. An example of this would be Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas‘ second planeswalker ability. This makes the targeted artifact into a 5/5 artifact creature. Because this ability does not specify when this effect ends, the effect will last for the remainder of the game. In the past effects like this would often use the word ‘permanently’ to denote that there was no end to the effect, but that standard has not been used in a long time.

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