Scavenging Jace’s Phantasm with Varolz only gets you 1 counter (but Boneyard Wurm is different).

As a general rule, abilities of a creature only work when that creature’s on the battlefield, unless the rules text or common sense suggests that it works in another zone. , for example, has an ability that gives all creature cards in your graveyard scavenge. Scavenge wouldn’t make very much sense if it applied while […]

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Rest in Peace will exile itself when it gets destroyed.

: Really annoying card against graveyard-based strategies… but it can still be destroyed. You might be interested to know where it ends up, though. At the time the Rest in Peace would be destroyed, its effect is still applying, so it’ll be exiled by its own ability rather than go to the graveyard. Thankfully, this […]

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You can’t take 4 for Vexing Devil if there’s a Torpor Orb around.

is a strange and unique card. It makes things that normally happen simply not happen. So abilities that you might really want to trigger from a creature entering the battlefield… won’t. It will shut down your life gain from (but doesn’t stop persist) or your card draw from . But it also works the other […]

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