Coursière de Kruphix et étape de pioche

Nous allons terminer la semaine avec un petit conseil pour lutter contre les synergies de votre adversaire, en mettant la pagaille dans ses plans! Nous savons tous que La coursière de Kruphix n’est qu’à elle seule une montagne d’avantages et de bénéfices -Elle permet de vous assurer vos terrains au bon moment si vous n’en […]

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Ashiok and Perilous Vault: Control Synergy

That’s right! MORE SYNERGY! Control decks might have a hard time dealing with swarms of creatures, so they tend to play board-wipe spells like or (, we hardly knew ye…). But wiping the board doesn’t do you much more than buy time if you don’t have a threat of your own! Luckily, Planeswalkers live through […]

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Prerelease Primer: Dash

Welcome back to our Fate Reforged Prerelease Primer! Today we’ll be covering the Mardu’s new (or old, because time travel is weird like that) mechanic: Dash. Raid rewarded you for being aggressive before casting your spells- Dash works well with that, because it makes sure you’re attacking! Dash is an alternate cost (usually a cheaper […]

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Clan combos – Jeskai and Temur: You can use Prowess to “turn on” a spell’s Ferocious effect.

Prowess triggers when you cast a noncreature spell, while the spell you just cast only checks whether Ferocious is true as it resolves. Since the trigger goes on top of the spell and resolves first, this generally works out well for you!

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