La capacité +1 de Sorin, némésis sinistre, les sorts à X et les Cartes Doubles

Bonjour ! Aujourd’hui nous allons parler de Sorin, némésis sinistre, le planeswalker habitant Innistrad. La capacité +1 de Sorin est quelque chose que nous avons déjà vu par le passé, principalement sur le petit bonhomme du Moderne . Contrairement à ce dernier, cependant, Sorin change un peu : vous mettez la carte dans votre main, […]

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Arlinn Kord (Embraced by the Moon) can’t activate another ability after she transforms.

To round out the week, we’ll take a look at , who isn’t the legendary werewolf creature players have been howling for, but is quite possibly the next best thing. Unlike her werewolf brethren (and precedential flip-walker, ), Arlinn is something special: she can control her transformation, and can even transform back and forth “at […]

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Sorin, Grim Nemesis’s +1 ability with X spells and Split Cards

Speaking of vampires that sparkle in the sunlight (if you missed Monday’s article, go check it out right now) we’re moving on to Sorin, Grim Nemesis, Innistrad’s resident planeswalker. Sorin’s +1 ability is something we’ve seen before, notably on Modern poster-boy Dark Confidant. Unlike that card, however, Sorin comes with a twist: you put the […]

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Semaine des Avant-Premières : Le retour des cartes Double-Face

Bonjour et bienvenue dans la semaine des Avant-Premières Ténèbres sur Innistrad ! Aujourd’hui nous allons aborder la première des deux mécaniques qui font leur retour dans Ténèbres sur Innistrad : Les cartes Double-Face, ou DFC (pour Double-Faced Card en anglais). Elles ont été initialement imprimées en Innistrad et sont revenues grâce à leur popularité ! […]

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Gift of Tusks vs. Equipment/Auras

Removing the abilities of a creature doesn't always do what you might expect with auras/equipment. Read carefully to see if the aura/equipment is giving an ability to the creature, or if it just has the ability itself. Also remember that +N/+N effects from other sources and P/T counters are not actually abilties that can be removed, so they would apply on top of any base power/toughness setting.

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