You can’t use Overload with Flashback or Cascade.

New sets always bring new mechanics, and with the Izzet, I was looking forward to getting something for my Commander deck. Imagine my disappointment when I saw Overload! See, when you use an ability like cascade or flashback to cast a spell from a place you normally couldn’t, what you’re doing is casting it for […]

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Engineered Explosives and additional costs (e.g., Thalia or Trinisphere)

Sunburst is a fairly unique ability. As a permanent with Sunburst enters the battlefield, Sunburst checks to see what mana was paid when casting the spell, regardless of what the cost was for. So if you want to cast when your opponent controls , you can choose any value for X, pay 1 additional for […]

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How Trinisphere works with Phyrexian Mana.

Whenever I’m asked about cost reductions/increases, especially in the flurry of questions about it thanks to a newly spoiled card from the Izzet vs. Golgari decks, a joke I like to use is ʺApply increases, then reductions, then .ʺ Trinisphere is really the only card that does what it does, and it seems to be […]

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The extra mana you pay because of Thalia, Guardian of Thraben doesn’t count for anything else.

Simple enough: Does increase the converted mana cost (“CMC”) of your spells because she makes them cost more? Easy answer: No! CMC -never- changes. The sum of all the symbols in the top right corner of a card is the CMC. The only time CMC can change is with X spells. Everywhere except the stack, […]

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The two other creatures you tap for Skirsdag High Priest can have summoning sickness

“Summoning Sickness” is a common phrase to describe a much wordier rule: A creature cannot attack or activate abilities with the Tap or Untap symbol unless it has been under your control continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn (unless it has haste). This is usually pretty clear-cut. For example, you can’t tap […]

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