Can a fused Turn//Burn kill an indestructible creature? (Yes!)

IMPORTANT UPDATE: This article has been updated as of the prerelease of Magic 2014 on July 13; Please refer to the revisions below. Ah, good old Indestructible. It can get kind of confusing with things like , because there are essentially two kinds of indestructible! You see, being indestructible isn’t an ability. It’s just something […]

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Rest in Peace will exile itself when it gets destroyed.

: Really annoying card against graveyard-based strategies… but it can still be destroyed. You might be interested to know where it ends up, though. At the time the Rest in Peace would be destroyed, its effect is still applying, so it’ll be exiled by its own ability rather than go to the graveyard. Thankfully, this […]

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Sunpetal Grove Loves Hallowed Fountain

Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shock. Today we get to explore something that didn’t really come up much until we Returned to Ravnica and had the Shocklands back in Standard alongside the M10 and Innistrad ‘taplands’. One of the reasons that the shocklands are so amazing as far as color-fixing […]

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Elvish Archdruid Won’t Trigger Gyre Sage

If there’s one thing Elves love [beyond having Hobbits do their dirty work, but that’s another plane entirely], it’s mana. Lots and lots of mana. Enormous, obscene piles of green mana, ready to be converted into an astoundingly large spell, or into many little elves, who will make even more mana. Continuing the trend of […]

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Flinthoof Boar and Evolve

is part of a cycle in M13, and it’s a pretty neat cycle! They’re all uncommon mono-colored creatures that have an ability which requires an allied color of mana to activate, and they get +1/+1 if you control a corresponding basic. Flinthoof Boar is a 2/2 for 2 that gets +1/+1 if you control a […]

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