Foul-Tongue Invocation Against an Empty Board

Hey everyone, welcome back. As promised, we’re going to talk about today. Let’s say you’re playing against an aggressive mono-red player. You’ve managed to clear their board, but now they’re just pointing their burn spells at your head. You’re at 3, and they point a at you. All you’re holding is a and a . […]

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Silumgar’s Scorn with a Dragon on the Stack

Hi everyone, and welcome back to another week of rules tips! There’s still some Standard situations that come up, so that’s what we’re going to focus on this week. Today, we kick things off with . You’re down to two cards in your hand: a and a . You figure it’s time to drop your […]

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Scrap Mastery vs. Grafdigger’s Cage

You’ve got a graveyard stacked full of artifact creatures and a in your hand. Your opponent has a on the battlefield. What happens? Will your spell exile all your good cards in your graveyard and leave you with nothing? Nope! Fortunately for you, does not care about stuff coming from exile, which is the zone […]

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