So there’s a few cards that have interesting triggers that care about when you exile cards. is a good example, where she cares about when one or more cards are put into exile from your library or graveyard. There’s a few others, so we’ll go over how they interact with common exiling mechanics! Laelia For […]
Category: Resolving spells and abilities
Activated Abilities, Effects, Interaction of Continuous Effects, Resolving spells and abilities, Triggered Abilities
Tishana’s Tidebinding Tricks!

Rules tips and interactions with Tishana's Tidebinder!
Scorchmark vs. Regenerate
What’s A Tap Cost, Anyway?
Omnispell Adept and Timing
Mono-Blue Tempo Round 2: Merfolk Trickster
Mono-Blue Tempo: Lightning Round!
Objects Entering Simultaneously
Abilities, Combat Phase, Effects, Resolving spells and abilities, Triggered Abilities, Turn Structure
Multiple Forbidding Spirits