Exploit Week: Exploiting Yourself for Fun and Profit

So, we’ve covered what happens when your opponent kills your Sidisi in response to the trigger (you get no tutor, but can still sac), and what happens if they destroy the creature you were going to sac (You can sac something else, but don’t have to). But what happens if you play an Exploit creature […]

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Exploit Week: Trying to Kill the Potential Sacrifice

Welcome back to Exploit Week here on the Rules Blog! Today we’ll be covering the OTHER way of messing up Exploit (or trying to, at least): Killing the potential sacrifice. Now, as you learned yesterday, the Exploiting player doesn’t select a creature to sacrifice until the Exploit trigger itself resolves. While many of them will […]

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Enduring Scalelord Combo

The Dromoka brood might have forbidden the Abzan’s ancestor worship, but they sure kept the love of +1/+1 counters! Not only does Bolster bring your weakest creatures up to snuff with the rest, the Dromoka have a lot of fun with counters in general. A perfect example of this is one of their big baddies, […]

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Temporal Trespass And Rebound

Rebound is always great fun (for the player using it at least!)- you get double the spell, after all. Generally that doubling is factored into the cost, but when you use something like to apply Rebound to ‘normal’ spells, things can get pretty crazy. Who wouldn’t want to double up on their s or their […]

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Delve vs. Stubborn Denial

As you may know, Delve and Convoke’s basic workings were changed with the rules updates for Magic 2014. Previously, they were simply ways to reduce costs before you paid them; nowadays, the Delving/Convoking is a payment! The only real difference, functionality-wise, is that you can no longer “over-delve” or “over-convoke”- since it’s a payment, at […]

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Bile Blight vs Valorous Stance

Traditionally speaking, and are both removal spells- you’re going to use them to get rid of something you don’t like on the other side of the board. Valorous Stance happens to have a second mode that allows it to be used as anti-removal; did you know you can use Bile Blight in much the same […]

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Tournament Tuesday: Goblin Rabblemaster Confusion!

Today’s post is going to be about everyone’s favorite Goblin buddy-maker (Well, second favorite for Commander players! No hard feelings, Krenko): Goblin Rabblemaster. He slices, he dices, he makes disposable bodies to feed to and he looks great while doing it. But how can you stop your opponent from getting those tasty tasty Rabblemaster tokens […]

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