I love me some foils

Albert is a local tournament grinder in his area. He is playing his favorite mono green deck in a local PTQ and is having a great success with it. During Round 6 of the PTQ, Albert’s opponent calls for a Judge. Upon arrival he asks to speak with you away from the table. After walking […]

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Game Loss Conundrum

Nathan has just lost game 1 in the 4th round in a PTQ. While sideboarding for game 2, he yells, “Judge!” You walk over and ask, “How may I help?” Nathan explains, “It looks like I played a 54-card deck in game 1.” You ask for more details and he elaborates, “I had sideboarded for […]

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I knew I forgot something else….

While playing in (another) local PTQ against a familiar opponent, Alfred controls an ,  and 2 s, while Mr. Nigma has 3 s and a  on the battlefield. As before, Alfred declares all four of his creatures as attacking. Before declaring blockers, Mr. Nigma again casts , then declares his Hamlet Captains as blocking the Angelic Skirmisher and each of the […]

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Ansel and Nicodemus are playing a match in a Pro Tour Qualifier. Ansel wins game 2 of the match, picks up the result slip, and starts to fill it out as a 2-0 win. Nicodemus interrupts and says, “You didn’t win game 1 – I did!” Ansel says “No, I’m pretty sure I won game […]

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Trial by Fire

Your local game store is running a Sealed GPT next weekend, and they call you up. You’re flying to a Grand Prix out of the state that weekend, so you’ll have to delegate this event to another judge. Problem is, after searching high and low, the only available judge is a recently certified Level 1 […]

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