Casting Ajani’s Pridemate while you have Staff of the Sun Magus – No counter for you!

The Staves all trigger when a spell is cast, so that trigger must resolve before the spell that caused it to trigger can resolve. If you cast Ajani's Pridemate, you gain the life before it actually enters, so it won't be around to trigger on that life gain and therefore won't gain a counter.

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Banishing Light is not Oblivion Ring: Why Your Trick Doesn’t Work Now

Those of you who remember might remember a little “trick” that could be used to permanently exile a permanent. What you had to do was remove the Ring from the battlefield with its enter the battlefield trigger on the stack. This would cause the leave the battlefield ability to trigger and resolve first (doing nothing), […]

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It’s a conspiracy (week)! Every Vote Counts, So Count Every Vote

To wrap up this week’s Conspiracy theme, we’ll touch on one of the most multiplayer mechanics in the whole set- Voting! There’s multiple cards in the set that have the ability word “Will of the Council”. Just like other ability words (such as Hellbent, Landfall, Morbid, Heroic, etc), Will of the Council is in italics […]

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It’s a conspiracy (week)! Hidden Agendas and Naming

Hey there, gang! Remember way back on Monday when I offhandedly mentioned there were some conspiracies you didn’t reveal right away? Well, now is the day that we’ll actually be talking about those! As we covered earlier in the week, some of the Conspiracies start the game in your Command Zone, face-up, already doing something […]

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It’s a Conspiracy (week)! Not all Power Plays bear fruit.

Welcome to Conspiracy week, all you kingslayers and double-dealers! To celebrate the release of the new Summer Multiplayer product, we’re doing a whole week on the wacky hilarity that can come up during your Conspiracy drafts. What better ‘first’ to kick off this topic than the ultimate “FIRST” card,? Power Play is one of the […]

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