Courser of Kruphix and Drawing Multiple Cards

So, we’ve covered a couple of situations where YOU know what the top few cards of your library are, but your opponent doesn’t, even with on board. Today, we’re covering a situation where Courser makes information a little more symmetrical- drawing many cards! With Scry and and things like that, your top card only actually […]

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Courser of Kruphix and Fetchlands

All this week, we’ll be covering one specific card: . It’s a commonly played card, and the semi-unique ability it has leads to lots of interesting rules interactions and questions. Every day this week, we’ll cover a different one! Today we’re covering how it works with fetchlands such as , but this also applies to […]

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Prerelease Primer Week – The Ferocious Temur

Last and certainly not least of the five clans, we have the Temur Frontier. They live in the coldest parts of Tarkir, and revere the savagery of the dragons. Their symbol is a set of dragon’s claws, and their mechanic certainly feels savage! Ferocious is another ability word, like Raid from earlier this week. It […]

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Prerelease Primer Week – Delve with the Sultai

The Sultai brood are an opulent and decadent clan of necromancers, naga, and naga necromancers. They revere the ruthlessness of the long-gone dragons, and their symbol is a single dragon’s fang. Even their dead fuel their war machine, thanks to their returning Delve mechanic, first pre-printed in Future Sight. Delve works an awful lot like […]

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