Vorel of the Hull Clade doubles all counters on a permanent.

Ah, . There isn’t a counter he can’t double, you know. At first glance, he looks a lot like the proliferate mechanic from Scars of Mirrodin, which allowed you to choose any number of permanents and/or players that already had counters, and then give each of those permanents and/or players exactly one additional counter of […]

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Teysa will create a token even if the creature is regenerated or indestructible.

Guild champions were promised to us early on, and most of them deliver. They’re legendary creatures, one from each Ravnica guild, with big splashy effects. One of the first ones revealed was the new . She costs seven mana, but she’s hard to take down, and she dissuades attacks. Her triggered ability destroys creatures that […]

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Duskmantle Seer killing both players will result in a draw.

is a throwback to one of the most powerful cards in Magic history: . Like Dark Confidant, the Seer will let you have an extra card on each of your turns, for the low, low cost of your life total. Unlike most vampires, Mr. Duskmantle is actually very generous — he lets your opponent get […]

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Thrull Parasite can slow the Assembling of a Legion, but it can’t stop it completely.

A slow, inevitable death. That’s pretty much what brings to the table. Every turn, the Legion gets another counter, and you get another batch of tokens. If you leave the Legion unchecked, it’s going to overwhelm you. Sure, there’s always enchantment removal, but sometimes that’s not an option. Are there any outside the box ideas […]

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Rakdos Charm can never result in damage to a planeswalker.

Today we’ll be taking a look at Rakdos Charm’s third mode, or specifically, what it means for a creature to deal damage to its controller. While it’s unusual for a source you control to deal damage to yourself, it does happen, and in most respects it’ll be treated like any other source of damage; a […]

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Boros Reckoner can’t kill a beast token from the Thragtusk it blocked.

“Judge, I blocked my opponent’s Thragtusk with Boros Reckoner. After they kill each other, is there a way I can use Reckoner’s trigger to kill the Beast token, too?” Your opponent may be protesting at this point “judges can’t give strategic advice!” but it turns out that according to the rules, there’s only one legal […]

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Tournament Tuesday: Zone-Change Triggers

As we covered last week, there’s been a few changes in the Missed Trigger policy recently. Today we’re gonna cover one that’s had a little confusion even among judges: Zone-change triggers. First, I’ll start off with a link to Toby Elliot’s article about what the trigger changes mean for players, because you guys are players, […]

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