Goblin Electromancer only reduces the cost of a fused spell by 1.

Before the Izzet, there was Arcane. Before Arcane, there was storm. And before storm, there were split spells! Fresh off the heels of Grand Prix Modern Masters, we come full circle with a look at the Fuse mechanic, a blast from the past in Dragon’s Maze with a little twist involved. Probably no guild benefited […]

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How Epic Experiment does (and doesn’t) interact with Goblin Electromancer.

is pretty epic, like a for instants and sorceries. So, again we dredge up the way X spells work with . You decide what X is before you actually pay for the spell, so Electromancer essentially gives you a ‘free’ point to X. If you only have 3 Mountains and 3 Islands with your Electromancer […]

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