How Epic Experiment does (and doesn’t) interact with Goblin Electromancer.

is pretty epic, like a for instants and sorceries. So, again we dredge up the way X spells work with . You decide what X is before you actually pay for the spell, so Electromancer essentially gives you a ‘free’ point to X. If you only have 3 Mountains and 3 Islands with your Electromancer […]

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Surgical Extraction vs. Miracles

Miracle causes lots of questions, as it’s a pretty complex mechanic.  First, there’s the static ability that says “You may reveal this as you draw it if its the first card you drew this turn.” Then once you do that, there’s the triggered ability that say “When you do, you may cast this for its […]

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Mental Misstep won’t stop a Miracle.

So, I’ve had some interesting questions come up regarding Miracles, but one that I’ve heard more than the others is what their converted mana cost (CMC) is. Usually it’s because of someone windmill slamming a topdecked , or , or for their Miracle cost, and someone else trying to stop it with . After all, […]

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