Compilado Mensal-Janeiro 2019

Tudo bom pessoal? O projeto está de volta e hoje trago para vocês o mês de Janeiro.

  • Dúvida: Arvoredo Dríade entra com enjôo de invocação no campo de batalha?
    Resposta: Sim, seguindo o gatherer do card Arvoredo Dríade não é uma mágica, é afetado por enjôo de invocação e tem “Vire: Adicione “G” à sua reserva de mana”. [expand title=”Veja”]A creature’s activated ability with the tap symbol or the untap symbol in its activation cost can’t be activated unless the creature has been under its controller’s control continuously since their most recent turn began. A creature can’t attack unless it has been under its controller’s control continuously since their most recent turn began. This rule is informally called the “summoning sickness” rule.[/expand] a Regra 302.6.

  • Dúvida: Arvoredo Dríade entra em campo com um Containment Priest na mesa, o Arvoredo Dríade é exilado?
    Resposta: Sim, Arvoredo Dríade é um terreno e, portando, não é conjurado. [expand title=”Veja ”]115.1. Special actions are actions a player may take when they have priority that don’t use the stack. These are not to be confused with turn-based actions and state-based actions, which the game generates automatically. (See rule 703, “Turn -Based Actions,” and rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”) e 115.2a Playing a land is a special action. To play a land, a player puts that land onto the battlefield from the zone it was in (usually that player’s hand). By default, a player can take this action only once during each of their turns. A player can take this action any time they have priority and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn . See rule 305, “Lands.”[/expand]as Regras 115.1 e 115.2a.

  • Dúvida: Dobramentes Distendido conjurado pelo custo de emergir, com um
    Uivador da Krallenhorde no campo de batalha, o custo de emergir da criatura é reduzido?
    Resposta: Sim, o custo alternativo de emergir ainda é o custo de conjuração da criatura. [expand title=”Veja”]To cast a spell is to take it from where it is (usually the hand), put it on the stack, and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. Casting a spell includes proposal of the spell (rules 601.2a–d) and determination and payment of costs (rules 601.2f–h). To cast a spell, a player follows the steps listed below, in order. A player must be legally allowed to cast the spell to begin this process (see rule 601.3). If, at any point during the casting of a spell, a player is unable to comply with any of the steps listed below, the casting of the spell is illegal; the game returns to the moment before the casting of that spell was proposed (see rule 721, “Handling Illegal Actions”).[/expand] a Regra 601.2.

  • Dúvida: A cópia de uma mágica vai para o cemitério? Por exemplo, a cópia de uma mágica decorrente da habilidade de Rajada?
    Resposta: O último passo para resolver uma mágica é colocá-la no cemitério. Cópias de mágica são mágicas. Além disto, por uma Ação baseada em estado, se uma cópia de uma mágica está em qualquer zona que não seja a pilha, a cópia deixa de existir. [expand title=”Veja”]”111.1a A copy of a spell is also a spell, even if it has no card associated with it. See rule 706.10.” “706.10a If a copy of a spell is in a zone other than the stack, it ceases to exist. If a copy of a card is in any zone other than the stack or the battlefield, it ceases to exist. These are state-based actions.” “608.2k As the final part of an instant or sorcery spell’s resolution, the spell is put into its owner’s graveyard. As the final part of an ability’s resolution, the ability is removed from the stack and ceases to exist.” [/expand] as Regras 706.10 e 608.2k e 111.1a

  • Dúvida: Em uma partida de Commander, Natan, pelo efeito do card Emrakul, O Fim Prometido, controla o turno de Abel, que possuía, no campo de batalha, seu comandante ( Narset, Mestra Iluminada). Durante o turno de Abel, Narset, Mestra Ilumiada morre, Natan que estava controlando o turno escolhe se a criatura em questão morre ou vai para zona de comando?
    Resposta: Quem escolhe é o jogador que controla o turno, ou seja, o dono da Emrakul, O Fim Prometido. [expand title=”Veja”]The controller of another player can’t make choices or decisions for that player that aren’t called for by the rules or by any objects. The controller also can’t make any choices or decisions for the player that would be called for by the tournament rules.Example: The player who’s being controlled still decides if they will leave to visit the restroom, trade a card to someone else, agree to an intentional draw, or call a judge about an error or infraction.[/expand] a Regra 715.5b.

  • Dúvida: Ana controla um Pescador Grumag, o qual está com quatro de dano marcado em decorrência de uma Explosão de Fogo. Nina conjura uma Queda de Agulha no Pescador Grumag, com a mágica na pilha, Ana utiliza um Cone de Vapor, tendo como alvo o Pescador Grumag, que resolve normalmente. Nina compra a card decorrente do efeito da Queda de Agulha?
    Resposta: Queda de Agulha perdeu o alvo, portanto é anulada na resolução e, assim Nina não compra o card. [expand title=”Veja ”]If the spell or ability specifies targets, it checks whether the targets are still legal. A target that’s no longer in the zone it was in when it was targeted is illegal. Other changes to the game state may cause a target to no longer be legal; for example, its characteristics may have changed or an effect may have changed the text of the spell. If the source of an ability has left the zone it was in, its last known information is used during this process. If all its targets, for every instance of the word “target,” are now illegal, the spell or ability doesn’t resolve. It’s removed from the stack and, if it’s a spell, put into its owner’s graveyard. Otherwise, the spell or ability will resolve normally. Illegal targets, if any, won’t be affected by parts of a resolving spell’s effect for which they’re illegal. Other parts of the effect for which those targets are not illegal may still affect them. If the spell or ability creates any continuous effects that affect game rules (see rule 613.10), those effects don’t apply to illegal targets. If part of the effect requires information about an illegal target, it fails to determine any such information. Any part of the effect that requires that information won’t happen. Example: Sorin’s Thirst is a black instant that reads, “Sorin’s Thirst deals 2 damage to target creature and you gain 2 life.” If the creature isn’t a legal target during the resolution of Sorin’s Thirst (say, if the creature has gained protection from black or left the battlefield), then Sorin’s Thirst doesn’t resolve. Its controller doesn’t gain any life. Example: Plague Spores reads, “Destroy target nonblack creature and target land. They can’t be regenerated.” Suppose the same creature land is chosen both as the nonblack creature and as the land, and the color of the creature land is changed to black before Plague Spores resolves. Plague Spores still resolves because the black creature land is still a legal target for the “target land” part of the spell. The “destroy target nonblack creature” part of the spell won’t affect that permanent, but the “destroy target land ” part of the spell will still destroy it. It can’t be regenerat[/expand]a Regra 608.2b.

  • Dúvida: Com uma Lua de Sangue no campo de batalha, um jogador utiliza uma Chuva Fundente em uma Valakut, o Pináculo Derretido. O controlador do Valakut, o Pináculo derretido recebe 2 de dano, advindos da Chuva Fundente?
    Resposta: Sim, Valakut, o Pináculo derretido é uma Montanha não-básica. [expand title=”Veja”]Some effects change an object’s card type, supertype, or subtype but specify that the object retains a prior card type, supertype, or subtype. In such cases, all the object’s prior card types, supertypes, and subtypes are retained. This rule applies to effects that use the phrase “in addition to its types” or that state that something is “still a [type, supertype, or subtype].” Some effects state that an object becomes an “artifact creature”; these effects also allow the object to retain all of its prior card types and subtypes.Example: An ability reads, “All lands are 1/1 creatures that are still lands.” The affected lands now have two card types: creature and land. If there were any lands that were also artifacts before the ability’s effect applied to them, those lands would become “artifact land creatures,” not just “creatures,” or “land creatures.” The effect allows them to retain both the artifact and land card types. In addition, each land affected by the ability retains any land types and supertypes it had before the ability took effect.Example: An ability reads, “All artifacts are 1/1 artifact creatures.” If a permanent is both an artifact and an enchantment, it will become an artifact enchantment creature.[/expand] a Regra 205.1b.

  • Dúvida: Com um Linha de Força de Santidade no campo de batalha de um jogador, seu oponente pode dar alvo em um planinaulta com um Espículo de Lava?
    Resposta: Sim. O alvo do Espículo de Lava é o planinaulta, não o jogador. [expand title=”Veja”]”114.1. Some spells and abilities require their controller to choose one or more targets for them. The targets are object(s) and/or player(s) the spell or ability will affect. These targets are declared as part of the process of putting the spell or ability on the stack. The targets can’t be changed except by another spell or ability that explicitly says it can do so.” e “119.1. Objects can deal damage to creatures, planeswalkers, and players. This is generally detrimental to the object or player that receives that damage. An object that deals damage is the source of that damage.” [/expand] as Regras 114.1 e 119.1.

  • Dúvida: Após o término de uma partida, com o resultado 1 – 1. Com o resultado da rodada, um dos jogadores deseja conceder para o outro. Isto é possível?
    Resposta: Se foi reportado um resultado, não, a menos que existam motivos para acreditar que houve um erro na computação do resultado. A palavra final é do Juiz-Mor. Ver a seção 2.4 do MTR.

  • Dúvida: Aldair possui um Linha de Força de Santidade no campo de batalha, Napoleão pode dar alvo nele com um Fator de Risco?
    Resposta: Não, pois Fator de Risco dá alvo em Aldair. Neste caso ele não pode ser alvo, em decorrência da Linha de Força de Santidade. [expand title=”Veja”]The player announces their choice of an appropriate object or player for each target the spell requires. A spell may require some targets only if an alternative or additional cost (such as a kicker cost) or a particular mode was chosen for it; otherwise, the spell is cast as though it did not require those targets. Similarly, a spell may require alternative targets only if an alternative or additional cost was chosen for it. If the spell has a variable number of targets, the player announces how many targets they will choose before they announce those targets. In some cases, the number of targets will be defined by the spell’s text. Once the number of targets the spell has is determined, that number doesn’t change, even if the information used to determine the number of targets does. The same target can’t be chosen multiple times for any one instance of the word “target” on the spell. However, if the spell uses the word “target” in multiple places, the same object or player can be chosen once for each instance of the word “target” (as long as it fits the targeting criteria). If any effects say that an object or player must be chosen as a target, the player chooses targets so that they obey the maximum possible number of such effects without violating any rules or effects that say that an object or player can’t be chosen as a target. The chosen objects and/or players each become a target of that spell. (Any abilities that trigger when those objects and/or players become the target of a spell trigger at this point; they’ll wait to be put on the stack until the spell has finished being cast.)Example: If a spell says “Tap two target creatures,” then the same creature can’t be chosen twice; the spell requires two different legal targets. A spell that says “Destroy target artifact and target land,” however, can target the same artifact land twice because it uses the word “target” in multiple places.[/expand] a Regra 601.2c.

  • Dúvida: Com um Descanse em Paz e uma Fonte icorídia no campo de batalha, Abigail ativa a habilidade de um Explosivos Fabricados, com dois marcadores. Quando a habilidade do Explosivos Fabricados resolve, todas os cards são exiladas?
    Resposta: Sim. Uma das habilidade de Descanse em Paz gera um efeito de substituição, ou seja, o efeito de Explosivos Fabricados, que mandaria os cards para o cemitério é substituído por mandar os cards para o exílio. Por fim aplica-se o efeito modificado de Explosivos Fabricados. [expand title=”Veja”]Normally, objects that exist immediately after an event are checked to see if the event matched any trigger conditions, and continuous effects that exist at that time are used to determine what the trigger conditions are and what the objects involved in the event look like. However, some triggered abilities are exceptions to this rule; the game “looks back in time” to determine if those abilities trigger, using the existence of those abilities and the appearance of objects immediately prior to the event.[/expand] a Regra 603.10.

  • Dúvida: Abner conjura um Crime do Corvo, utilizando a habilidade de Retraçar. Nair conjura um Aprisionar, tendo como alvo o Crime do Corvo. Quando o Aprisionar resolve, Crime do Corvo vai para o cemitério?
    Resposta: Não, Crime do Corvo é devolvido para mão. E o mesmo que conjurar qualquer outra mágica, uma vez que ele saiu do cemitério.

  • Dúvida: Alisson utiliza a habilidade de Ígneo do Bairro da Fundição tendo com alvo um Ministrante da Obrigação de Nei, após a resolução da habilidade, Ministrante da Obrigação morre, desencadeando sua habilidade de pós-vida. Qual do jogadores criam as fichas?
    Resposta: Alisson. O jogador que faz as fichas é aquele que controla Ministrante da Obrigação quando ela morre. [expand title=”Veja”]A triggered ability is controlled by the player who controlled its source at the time it triggered, unless it’s a delayed triggered ability. To determine the controller of a delayed triggered ability.[/expand] a Regra 603.3a.

  • Dúvida: Com uma Teysa Karlov no campo de batalha, uma Oligarca Imperiosa morre, desencadeando sua habilidade de pós-vida. Com isto, coloca-se uma ficha a mais?
    Resposta: Sim, a habilidade desencadeia duas vezes. [expand title=”Veja”]Once an ability has triggered, its controller puts it on the stack as an object that’s not a card the next time a player would receive priority. See rule 116, “Timing and Priority.” The ability becomes the topmost object on the stack. It has the text of the ability that created it, and no other characteristics. It remains on the stack until it’s countered, it resolves, a rule causes it to be removed from the stack, or an effect moves it elsewhere.[/expand] a Regra 603.3.

  • Dúvida: Adão controla um Javali Territorial , Adão conjura um Arynx Frenético, e, devido sua habilidade de tumulto, entra em jogo com 4 de poder. A habilidade do Javali Territorial desencadeia?
    Resposta: Caso o jogador tenha escolhido a colocar marcador no Arynx Frenético a resposta é sim. [expand title=”Veja”]”Riot is a static ability. “Riot” means “You may have this permanent enter the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it. If you don’t, it gains haste.”[/expand] a Regra 702.135.

  • Dúvida: Conjura-se um Demolidor do Clã Ghor com um Ritmo dos Selvagens em jogo. O Demolidor do Clã Ghor terá tumulto duas vezes?
    Resposta: Sim, uma criatura pode ter múltipla instâncias de tumulto. [expand title=”Veja”]If a permanent has multiple instances of riot, each works separately.[/expand] a Regra 702.135.a.

  • Dúvida: Abner utiliza a primeira habilidade da Chandra, Chama da Rebeldia com o seu grimório vazio. Chandra, Chama da Rebeldia causa os dois pontos de dano, em decorrência de sua habilidade?
    Resposta: Sim, já que nenhuma carta foi conjurada. [expand title=”Veja”]If an effect of a spell or ability offers any choices other than choices already made as part of casting the spell, activating the ability, or otherwise putting the spell or ability on the stack, the player announces these while applying the effect. The player can’t choose an option that’s illegal or impossible, with the exception that having a library with no cards in it doesn’t make drawing a card an impossible action (see rule 120.3). If an effect divides or distributes something, such as damage or counters, as a player chooses among any number of untargeted players and/or objects, the player chooses the amount and division such that at least one player or object is chosen if able, and each chosen player or object receives at least one of whatever is being divided. (Note that if an effect divides or distributes something, such as damage or counters, as a player chooses among some number of target objects and/or players, the amount and division were determined as the spell or ability was put onto the stack rather than at this time; see rule 601.2d.)Example: A spell’s instruction reads, “You may sacrifice a creature. If you don’t, you lose 4 life.” A player who controls no creatures can’t choose the sacrifice option.[/expand] a Regra 608.2d.

  • Dúvida: O Juiz ou Organizador de Torneio não conseguem inscrever um jogador no torneio através do número dci fornecido por ele, como proceder?
    Resposta: Crie outro DCI para o jogador e peça para ele entrar no site da wizards e tentar encontrar seu antigo DCI. Ele deverá unificá-los posteriormente. Se um jogador não utilizar o DCI por muito tempo é possível que ele o tenha perdido. Veja as seções 1.5 e 1.10 do MTR.

  • Dúvida: Anderson controla um Mestra das Feras Gruul, que tornou-se alvo de Replicar do card Repudiar/Replicar de Nate . Antes da resolução da mágica, Mestra das Feras Gruul é destruída. Nate faz uma cópia de Mestra das Feras Gruul?
    Resposta: Não, a criatura a ser copiada é alvo da mágica de cópia. A mágica é anulada por falta de alvos. [expand title=”Veja”]If the spell or ability specifies targets, it checks whether the targets are still legal. A target that’s no longer in the zone it was in when it was targeted is illegal. Other changes to the game state may cause a target to no longer be legal; for example, its characteristics may have changed or an effect may have changed the text of the spell. If the source of an ability has left the zone it was in, its last known information is used during this process. If all its targets, for every instance of the word “target,” are now illegal, the spell or ability doesn’t resolve. It’s removed from the stack and, if it’s a spell, put into its owner’s graveyard. Otherwise, the spell or ability will resolve normally. Illegal targets, if any, won’t be affected by parts of a resolving spell’s effect for which they’re illegal. Other parts of the effect for which those targets are not illegal may still affect them. If the spell or ability creates any continuous effects that affect game rules (see rule 613.10), those effects don’t apply to illegal targets. If part of the effect requires information about an illegal target, it fails to determine any such information. Any part of the effect that requires that information won’t happen. Example: Sorin’s Thirst is a black instant that reads, “Sorin’s Thirst deals 2 damage to target creature and you gain 2 life.” If the creature isn’t a legal target during the resolution of Sorin’s Thirst (say, if the creature has gained protection from black or left the battlefield), then Sorin’s Thirst doesn’t resolve. Its controller doesn’t gain any life. Example: Plague Spores reads, “Destroy target nonblack creature and target land. They can’t be regenerated.” Suppose the same creature land is chosen both as the nonblack creature and as the land, and the color of the creature land is changed to black before Plague Spores resolves. Plague Spores still resolves because the black creature land is still a legal target for the “target land” part of the spell. The “destroy target nonblack creature” part of the spell won’t affect that permanent, but the “destroy target land ” part of the spell will still destroy it. It can’t be regenerat.[/expand] a Regra 608.2b.

  • Dúvida: Abner ataca com um Titã Primordial, que estava com 8 de poder, iniciativa e atropelar. Northtum bloqueia com uma Sombra da Morte 4/4. A Sombra da Morte Morre ou não?
    Resposta: O dano é todo causado ao mesmo tempo, no oponente e na Sombra da Morte. Quando é checado a ação baseada em estado o dano marcado na Sombra da Morte não é suficiente para matá-la. Caso o jogador controlador do Titã Primordial atribua todo o dano à Sombra da Morte, ela morrerá. [expand title=”Veja”]Whenever a player would get priority (see rule 116, “Timing and Priority”), the game checks for any of the listed conditions for state-based actions, then performs all applicable state -based actions simultaneously as a single event. If any state-based actions are performed as a result of a check, the check is repeated; otherwise all triggered abilities that are waiting to be put on the stack are put on the stack, then the check is repeated. Once no more state-based actions have been performed as the resu lt of a check and no triggered abilities are waiting to be put on the stack, the appropriate player gets priority. This process also occurs during the cleanup step (see rule 514), except that if no state-based actions are performed as the result of the step’s first check and no triggered abilities are waiting to be put on the stack, then no player gets priority and the step ends.[/expand] a Regra 704.3.

  • Dúvida: Caso um jogador tenha que descartar cards do topo do grimório e não possua cards em seu grimório ele perderá o jogo?
    Resposta: Um jogador perde o jogo caso não tenha cards em seus grimório quando ele for comprar cards. [expand title=”Veja”]Whenever a player would get priority (see rule 116, “Timing and Priority”), the game checks for any of the listed conditions for state-based actions, then performs all applicable state -based actions simultaneously as a single event. If any state-based actions are performed as a result of a check, the check is repeated; otherwise all triggered abilities that are waiting to be put on the stack are put on the stack, then the check is repeated. Once no more state-based actions have been performed as the resu lt of a check and no triggered abilities are waiting to be put on the stack, the appropriate player gets priority. This process also occurs during the cleanup step (see rule 514), except that if no state-based actions are performed as the result of the step’s first check and no triggered abilities are waiting to be put on the stack, then no player gets priority and the step ends.[/expand] a Regra 704.3.

  • Dúvida: Arthur ataca com um Aeromunculo com um marcador +1/+1. Natalia utiliza, após a fase de declaração de atacantes, um Selamento do Mago Legista. Aeromunculo sai de combate?
    Resposta: Não, Selamento do Mago Legista impede a criatura de ser declarada com atacante e não remove a criatura de combate. Veja o Gatherer do card

  • Dúvida: Antonio controla Bogle Escorregadio que está encantado com uma Sombra de Aranha. nicolas conjura uma Fúria dos Deuses a criatura é exilada?
    Resposta: Não, o encantamento é colocado no cemitério em decorrência da habilidade Armadura de totem, o efeito de substituição ocorre porque a criatura seria destruída por dano letal. [expand title=”Veja ”]Totem armor is a static ability that appears on some Auras. “Totem armor” means “If enchanted permanent would be destroyed, instead remove all damage marked on it and destroy this Aura.”[/expand] a Regra 702.88a.

  • Dúvida: Alberto ataca com um Servente Rakdos que é bloqueado por 3 criaturas de Norton, a habilidade do Servente Rakdos desencadeia múltiplas vezes?
    Resposta: Não, uma habilidade que desencadeia quando uma criatura é bloqueada desencadeia apenas uma vez, mesmo quando a criatura bloqueada por duas ou mais criaturas. [expand title=”Veja ”]An ability that reads “Whenever [a creature] becomes blocked, . . .” generally triggers only once each combat for that creature, even if it’s blocked by multiple creatures. It will trigger if that creature becomes blocked by at least one creature declared as a blocker. It will also trigger if that creature becomes blocked by an effect or by a creature that’s put onto the battlefield as a blocker, but only if the attacking creature was an unblocked creature at that time. (See rule 509.1h.)[/expand] a Regra 509.5c.

  • Dúvida: Astolfo conjura um Mago Interferidor enquanto Nei controla uma Orbe de Torpor, Astolfo pode escolher o nome para utilizar a habilidade do Mago Interferidor?
    Resposta: Sim, a habilidade do Mago interferidor não é desencadeada, é um efeito de substituição. [expand title=”Veja”]603.1. Triggered abilities have a trigger condition and an effect. They are written as “[When/Whenever/At] [trigger condition or event], [effect]. [Instructions (if any).]” e Effects that read “[This permanent] enters the battlefield with . . . ,” “As [this permanent] enters the battlefield . . . ,” or “[This permanent] enters the battlefield as . . . “ are replacement effects.[/expand] as Regras 603.1 e 614.1c.


  • Dúvida: Aluísio controla um Mímico Metálico nomeando construto e uma Escamas Endurecidas, enquanto Nivaldo controla uma Lança Veloz do Monastério e um Horror Despertado. Aluísio conjura uma Balista Ambulante com X=0, antes de resolver a mágica, Nivaldo utiliza um Golpe Visceral no Mímico Metálico, destruindo-o. A Balista Ambulante entra em jogo? Caso afirmativo, ela morre?
    Resposta: Sim, a Balista Ambulante entra em jogo com 0 de poder e resistência, em decorrência disto é colocada no cemitério por um ação baseada em estado. [expand title=”Veja”]If a creature has toughness 0 or less, it’s put into its owner’s graveyard. Regeneration can’t replace this event.[/expand] a Regra 704.5f.

  • Dúvida: Ademir usa os três terrenos sob seu controle para conjurar uma Busca Frenética, como parte da resolução descarta-se uma Gêmeas da Quinta dos Maurer. É possível conjurar Gêmeas da Quinta dos Maurer pelo seu custo de loucura?
    Resposta: Sim. Se um card com a habilidade Loucura é descartado durante a resolução de uma mágica, ele é imediatamente exilado, mas a habilidade só vai para a pilha depois que a mágica termina de resolver. [expand title=”Veja”]If multiple abilities have triggered since the last time a player received priority, each player, in APNAP order, puts triggered abilities they control on the stack in any order they choose. (See rule 101.4.) Then the game once again checks for and resolves state-based actions until none are performed, then abilities that triggered during this process go on the stack. This process repeats until no new state-based actions are performed and no abilities trigger. Then the appropriate player gets priority.[/expand] a Regra 603.3b.

  • Dúvida:Arnaldo controla uma Coisa no Gelo com um marcador e conjura uma Pilhagem Infiel. Em resposta, Naldo conjura Trapaceira Tritã e escolhe Coisa no Gelo como alvo. Ele vira Horror Despertado? Se sim, as criaturas que não sejam Horrores voltam para a mão?
    Resposta: Transforma em Horror Despertado, mas as criaturas que não sejam horrores não voltam para a mão, uma vez que ele perdeu todas as habilidades. [expand title=”Veja”]When a double-faced permanent transforms, it doesn’t become a new object. Any effects that applied to that permanent will continue to apply to it after it transforms.Example: An effect gives Village Ironsmith (the front face of a double-faced card) +2/+2 until end of turn and then Village Ironsmith transforms into Ironfang. Ironfang will continue to get +2/+2 until end of turn.[/expand] a Regra 711.12.

  • Dúvida: Com uma Najeela, Blade Blossom em campo, um jogador ataca com cinco criaturas do tipo guerreiro. Criam-se 5 fichas de guerreiro?
    Resposta: Sim. Cada guerreiro atacante desencadeia a habilidade da Najeela, Blade Blossom uma vez. [expand title=”Veja”]112.3c Triggered abilities have a trigger condition and an effect. They are written as “[Trigger condition], [effect],” and include (and usually begin with) the word “when,” “whenever,” or “at. ” Whenever the trigger event occurs, the ability is put on the stack the next time a player would receive priority and stays there until it’s countered, it resolves, or it otherwise leaves the stack. See rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.” e 603.2c An ability triggers only once each time its trigger event occurs. However, it can trigger repeatedly if one event contains multiple occurrences. Example: A permanent has an ability whose trigger condition reads, “Whenever a land is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, . . . .” If someone casts a spell that destroys all lands, the ability will trigger once for each land put into the graveyard during the spell’s resolution.[/expand] as Regras 112.3c e 603.2c.

  • Dúvida: Noely controla um Cálice do Vácuo, com um marcador, no campo de batalha. Auro conjura um Conflagrar, através de sua habilidade de recapitular, descartando 7 cartas de sua mão. A habilidade do Cálice do Vácuo desencadeia? Qual o custo convertido de Conflagrar?
    Resposta: Na pilha, um mágica com X em seu custo, tem como custo de mana convertido, o valor atribuído a X mais os valores de mana necessários para conjurá-la. Portanto, o custo de mana convertido de Conflagrar é 15. [expand title=”Veja”]When calculating the converted mana cost of an object with an {X} in its mana cost, X is treated as 0 while the object is not on the stack, and X is treated as the number chosen for it while the object is on the stack.[/expand] a Regra 202.3e.

  • Dúvida: Nuno possui uma Ponte das Profundezas em seu cemitério. Alex ataca com uma criatura, que é defendida com outra criatura de Nuno. Ambas as criaturas morrem, como ocorre as habilidades desencadeadas de Ponte das Profundezas?
    Resposta: O jogador dono da Ponte das Profundezas escolhe a ordem dos efeitos desencadeados. [expand title=”Veja”]If multiple abilities have triggered since the last time a player received priority, each player, in APNAP order, puts triggered abilities they control on the stack in any order they choose. (See rule 101.4.) Then the game once again checks for and resolves state-based actions until none are performed, then abilities that triggered during this process go on the stack. This process repeats until no new state-based actions are performed and no abilities trigger. Then the appropriate player gets priority.[/expand] a Regra 603.3b.

  • Dúvida: Alistor controla Kalitas, Traidor de Ghet e Noel controla Linha de Força do Vácuo. Quando uma criatura de Noel morre, habilidade de Kalitas, Traidor de Ghet faz com que Alistor coloque em jogo uma ficha?
    Resposta: São dois efeitos de substituição tentando afetar o mesmo evento. Noel decide se quer que sua criatura seja exilada pela Linha de Força do Vácuo ou pelo Kalitas, Traidor de Ghet. Se exilar pela criatura, faz ficha. Se exilar pelo encantamento não faz ficha. [expand title=”Veja”]If two or more replacement and/or prevention effects are attempting to modify the way an event affects an object or player, the affected object’s controller (or its owner if it has no controller) or the affected player chooses one to apply, following the steps listed below. If two or more players have to make these choices at the same time, choices are made in APNAP order (see rule 101.4).[/expand] a Regra 616.1.

  • Dúvida: Se Campo da Ruína perdeu o alvo de sua habilidade, os jogadores buscam os terrenos?
    Resposta: Não. A habilidade do Campo da Ruína não resolve por não ter pelo menos um alvo válido. [expand title=”Veja”]If the spell or ability specifies targets, it checks whether the targets are still legal. A target that’s no longer in the zone it was in when it was targeted is illegal. Other changes to the game state may cause a target to no longer be legal; for example, its characteristics may have changed or an effect may have changed the text of the spell. If the source of an ability has left the zone it was in, its last known information is used during this process. If all its targets, for every instance of the word “target,” are now illegal, the spell or ability doesn’t resolve. It’s removed from the stack and, if it’s a spell, put into its owner’s graveyard. Otherwise, the spell or ability will resolve normally. Illegal targets, if any, won’t be affected by parts of a resolving spell’s effect for which they’re illegal. Other parts of the effect for which those targets are not illegal may still affect them. If the spell or ability creates any continuous effects that affect game rules (see rule 613.10), those effects don’t apply to illegal targets. If part of the effect requires information about an illegal target, it fails to determine any such information. Any part of the effect that requires that information won’t happen. Example: Sorin’s Thirst is a black instant that reads, “Sorin’s Thirst deals 2 damage to target creature and you gain 2 life.” If the creature isn’t a legal target during the resolution of Sorin’s Thirst (say, if the creature has gained protection from black or left the battlefield), then Sorin’s Thirst doesn’t resolve. Its controller doesn’t gain any life. Example: Plague Spores reads, “Destroy target nonblack creature and target land. They can’t be regenerated.” Suppose the same creature land is chosen both as the nonblack creature and as the land, and the color of the creature land is changed to black before Plague Spores resolves. Plague Spores still resolves because the black creature land is still a legal target for the “target land” part of the spell. The “destroy target nonblack creature” part of the spell won’t affect that permanent, but the “destroy target land ” part of the spell will still destroy it. It can’t be regenerat.[/expand] a Regra 608.2b.

  • Dúvida: Se o jogador copiar uma mágica, o custo adicional da mágica copiada deve ser pago pela cópia?
    Resposta: Não, o custo é pago durante a conjuração da mágica. A cópia é apenas colocada na pilha. [expand title=”Veja”]601.2. To cast a spell is to take it from where it is (usually the hand), put it on the stack, and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. Casting a spell includes proposal of the spell (rules 601.2a–d) and determination and payment of costs (rules 601.2f–h). To cast a spell, a player follows the steps listed below, in order. A player must be legally allowed to cast the spell to begin this process (see rule 601.3). If, at any point during the casting of a spell, a player is unable to comply with any of the steps listed below, the casting of the spell is illegal; the game returns to the moment before the casting of that spell was proposed (see rule 721, “Handling Illegal Actions”). e 706.2. When copying an object, the copy acquires the copiable values of the original object’s characteristics and, for an object on the stack, choices made when casting or activating it (mode, targets, the value of X, whether it was kicked, how it will affect multiple targets, and so on). The “copiable values” are the values derived from the text printed on the object (that text being name, mana cost, color indicator, card type, subtype, supertype, rules text, power, toughness, and/or loyalty), as modified by other copy effects, by its face-down status, and by “as . . . enters the battlefield” and “as . . . is turned face up” abilities that set power and toughness (and may also set additional characteristics). Other effects (including type-changing and text-changing effects), status, and counters are not copied.Example: Chimeric Staff is an artifact that reads “{X}: Chimeric Staff becomes an X/X artifact creature until end of turn.” Clone is a creature that reads, “You may have Clone enter the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield.” After a Staff has become a 5/5 artifact creature, a Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of it. The Clone is an artifact, not a 5/5 artifact creature. (The copy has the Staff’s ability, however, and will become a creature if that ability is activated.) Example: Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of a face-down Grinning Demon (a creature with morph {2}{B}{B}). The Clone is a colorless 2/2 creature with no name, no types, no abilities, and no mana cost. It will still be face up. Its controller can’t pay {2}{B}{B} to turn it face up.[/expand] as Regras 706.2 e 601.2.

  • Dúvida: Como lidar com apostas em REL competitivo?
    Resposta: Se os envolvidos não sabem que apostas são proibidas, é considerado um Unsporting Conduct — Bribery and Wagering, cuja punição é Perda de Partida. Caso contrário, a aposta é considerada Unsporting Conduct — Cheating, cuja punição é Desqualificação. Veja a seção 4.4 do IPG.

  • Dúvida: Jogador controlando um Ritmo dos Selvagens , conjura Guardião da Câmara de Crescimento, ele opta por colocar um marcador em Guardião da Câmara de Crescimento. A habilidade da criatura desencadeia?
    Resposta: Sim. [expand title=”Veja”]Some spells and abilities refer to counters being put on an object. This refers to putting counters on that object while it’s on the battlefield and also to an object that’s given counters as it enters the battlefield.[/expand] o Gatherer da carta e Regra 121.6.

  • Dúvida: Com a habilidade de Icorídio na pilha, o jogador, dono de Icorídio, exila uma Aparição de Estrada. Seu oponente conjura uma Containment Priest. Se ele já exilou a carta preta, Icorídio entra em jogo?
    Resposta: Tente identificar em que momento do jogo os jogadores se encontram. Exilar a carta com Icorídio é parte de sua resolução, o que significa que se o jogador anunciou a habilidade desencadeada, passou a prioridade e o jogador não ativo decidiu não responder, a habilidade está resolvendo e o jogador não ativo não tem prioridade para conjurar Containment Priest durante a resolução. Caso o jogador tenha se precipitado exilando Aparição de Estrada sem ter passado a prioridade para o jogador não ativo, considere retomar o jogo antes dessa ação para que mágicas ou habilidades possam ser conjuradas.

  • Dúvida: No turno anterior, o Amanda utiliza uma Rotação de Culturas sacrificando, como custo adicional, uma floresta e virando um Bosque dos Salgueiros Ígneos. Amanda busca um Abismo Sombrio, com um Palco Dramático em jogo e duas fontes de mana. Por fim, na fase final, o Amanda utiliza a habilidade de Palco Dramático, copiando Abismo Sombrio. Com isto, coloca-se em campo a ficha proveniente de Abismo Sombrio e ambos os terrenos no cemitério. Na vez de Amanda, ele ataca com a ficha, contudo, Nair alega ter 21 pontos de vida provenientes de Bosque dos Salgueiros Ígneos, em contrapartida, Amanda alega que gerou uma mana incolor com seu terreno e não utilizou.
    Resposta: Investigue qual foi a intenção de Amanda no turno anterior virando Bosque dos Salgueiros Ígneos e tente identificar se ela gerou mana verde proveniente da floresta ou de Bosque dos Salgueiros Ígneos. Tente identificar se em algum momento ela disse se estava gerando mana incolor ou se simplesmente virou a carta, tente também identificar por que Nair acredita ter 21 pontos de vida caso nenhum diálogo tenha ocorrido. É uma situação complicada por se tratar de um problema de comunicação entre jogadores.

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