Enduring Scalelord Combo

The Dromoka brood might have forbidden the Abzan’s ancestor worship, but they sure kept the love of +1/+1 counters! Not only does Bolster bring your weakest creatures up to snuff with the rest, the Dromoka have a lot of fun with counters in general. A perfect example of this is one of their big baddies, […]

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Tournament Tuesday: Goblin Rabblemaster Confusion!

Today’s post is going to be about everyone’s favorite Goblin buddy-maker (Well, second favorite for Commander players! No hard feelings, Krenko): Goblin Rabblemaster. He slices, he dices, he makes disposable bodies to feed to and he looks great while doing it. But how can you stop your opponent from getting those tasty tasty Rabblemaster tokens […]

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Tournament Tuesday: Common Courser of Kruphix Mistakes

Welcome back to our crash course(r) on ! Since today is Tuesday, we’ll be covering some IPG and MTR things about Courser of Kruphix, rather than just your normal Comprehensive Rules stuff. Mainly, we’ll be talking about the more common mistakes people make with Courser, and what the rules say has to happen when those […]

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