Effects that change a permanent’s characteristics only apply when the card is in play.

Effects like the one generated by , or all give a permanent an additional permanent type. It is important to note that these effects only apply while the affected permanent is on the battlefield. Once it leaves play, any of these effects will no longer apply to it. For example, if an Inkmoth Nexus is […]

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Effects that last ‘until the end of turn’ and ‘this turn’ end at the same time.

The End Phase of a turn is divided into two steps. The second step is called the Cleanup step. In this step, players do not normally receive priority, and some actions are performed and effects end before the next turn begins. In the cleanup step, after the active player discards down to his or her […]

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Continuous Effects from spells only affect those creatures in play when they resolve.

Magic has a ton of spells and abilities that give creatures abilities, affect their power and toughness and change other characteristics of those creatures. It is important to note that continuous effects that are generated when a spell or ability resolves will only affect those creatures that are on the battlefield at that time. In […]

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Aegis Angel and effects that are applied to multiple permanents.

has an enters the battlefield ability that will make another targeted permanent indestructible for as long as the Angel remains in play. Indestructible means that this permanent will not be destroyed by effects that say to destroy or if it is a creature by receiving lethal damage. In most cases, what happens is pretty simple; […]

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Phyrexian Ingester uses the printed values of the exiled card.

has an enters the battlefield ability that exiles a targeted nontoken creature. The Ingester then gets a ‘boost’ to its power and toughness based on the power and toughness of the removed card. It is important to note that the printed values on the card are what the Ingester looks at when calculating the increase […]

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Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite’s abilities apply as creatures enter play.

has two abilities that affect the power and toughness of creatures in the battlefield. The first give +2/+2 to all other creatures that you control. (Keep in mind that in a multiplayer game this ability does not affect creatures controlled by teammates.) The second ability that applies to power and toughness gives -2/-2 to all […]

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