Five turns later…

At a Sealed GPT, Naomi taps out to cast Prime Speaker Zegana, draws 6 cards from her triggered ability, then passes the turn. On Allen’s turn, he activates ‘s -7 ability, and takes FIVE (!!) extra turns. During those turns, he draws several cards, casts several spells, destroys several creatures, and attacks multiple times. Just […]

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Mulch or Fiction

Amy and Nicholas are playing at a Pro Tour Qualifier, and during Amy’s turn she casts revealing the top 5 cards, which are 4 copies of and then a , in that order. Realizing her error immediately, Amy laughs and shows Nicholas a from her hand, which she was thinking about when she revealed the […]

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I am Head Judge, hear me roar!

You find out you are the head judge of the Dragon’s Maze prerelease at your local store, problem is, you’ve never given head judge announcements before! What are some of the things we want to include or avoid when doing HJ announcements at Regular REL? Judges, feel free to discuss this scenario here! [expand title=”View […]

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Arrested (Decklist) Development

At a Limited-format Pro Tour Qualifier, after the initial pool registration and swap, the Head Judge instructs players that they have 30 minutes to build and register their decks. Players are told to hand in their decklist to a judge once they have completed this process. During round 1, judges count all of the decklists, […]

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Bloodgift Demon

At a Standard GPT (REL Competitive), Adam controls a . After Nadine passes her turn, Adam untaps, draws a card and immediately proceeds to the Declare Attackers Step. He attacks with both and some other creatures. Nadine casts a , targeting Bloodgift Demon, to which Adam responds by casting Undying Evil, remarking: “This badass is […]

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