Transformers! How to transform Chandra.

Hi everyone, and welcome back. Let’s dive right in today, and talk about today’s creature/planeswalker, Chandra. Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh is able to transform into Chandra, Roaring Flame if you activate Chandra’s activated ability and have dealt 3 or more damage with Chandra this turn. Note that this doesn’t just count damage from Chandra’s activated […]

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Guile vs. Remand

Since we’re on the topic of odd Modern interactions, let’s propose that a player controls Guile and casts in an attempt to take an opponent’s spell. Both and Guile have replacement effects that affect the spell in question, so which effect wins? In short, Guile’s effect will override , because Remand never actually counters the […]

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Repeal and Precursor Golem

has an interesting effect- and in Magic, interesting often means confusing. With cards like floating around, players might get a little hungry thinking about bouncing their opponent’s Precursor team with a single card. Not so fast! As states, the spell is copied for each Golem that spell could target. specifically hits a target with a […]

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Tournament Tuesday: Pillory of The Sleepless

Welcome to this week’s installment of Tournament Tuesday! Today’s topic: Triggers! Handling triggers and rules involving triggers have changed throughout the years so it’s important we all stay on the same page. Let’s use as an example, since it gives an opponent’s creature a detrimental trigger. effectively imprints its text on to the creature it […]

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