Switcheroo needs both targets to be legal at resolution, or nothing changes control.

Another day, another variant of ! This one is actually pretty unique, though. Where most of our variants just have targeting restrictions or altered costs, this one is a flat out permanent steal instead of an enchantment. It also comes at the expense of requiring a trade to be made. Now, first off, Switcheroo has […]

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Sever the Bloodline will also exile clones of the targeted creature.

Cards like (with or without kicker) and that make a token copy of a card seem to be fairly intuitive to most players. What is that token? Well, it’s exactly the card that it copied! If you copy a with Cackling counterpart, the token created is still named Runeclaw Bear. On the surface, creature cards […]

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The order you put permanents into play with Primal Surge can matter.

Seems like I have a tendency to get the Commander questions lately! So, what’s the main difference between and (besides how easily Surge can whiff)? Mainly, the order of things coming into play. When you Genesis Wave for X=10, any and all permanents you hit will come in simultaneously, all at once, together. With Surge, […]

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What you can do when you have two Dangerous Wagers in hand.

Two in han…: seems pretty useless, right? Well, not necessarily. Dangerous Wager is an instant, so you can cast it in response to an opponent’s spell; but what many players don’t realize is that you can cast spells in response to your own spells as well! After a player casts a spell, priority is given […]

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How Demonic Rising really works.

‘Intervening if’ clauses! Fun times. These are handy little things that can stop stuff from happening before it happens. They’re always written as “When/whenever/at…, if SOMETHING IS TRUE, do something.” These abilities check for “something is true” at two times: when the ability would trigger, and when it would resolve. The ability needs something to […]

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How your Consecrated Sphinx interacts with your opponent’s Miracle.

What happens when your opponent draws a card with miracle while control a ? If he or she chooses to reveal it, a couple things happen. Both the miracle ability and Consecrated Sphinx’s ability trigger, and they’re put on the stack in active player/nonactive player order (meaning the nonactive player’s ability goes on the stack […]

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How Deadeye Navigator and Phantasmal Image interact.

A question that many judges hear nonstop is “Will X save my ?”. The answer to that is almost always no; countering the spell that was aimed at it, trying to bounce/blink your Image in response, giving it Hexproof in response, etc.; none of these things will save it from its own sacrifice trigger [or […]

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A spell that can’t be countered can still be targeted by a counterspell.

This was already something that came up now and then with , and in days past with , but it’s popping up more because of and all the fun it entails. The question: “Can you aim a counterspell at one of these things? It doesn’t do anything!” Well, ‘can’t be countered’ doesn’t mean you can’t […]

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