I love me some foils

Albert is a local tournament grinder in his area. He is playing his favorite mono green deck in a local PTQ and is having a great success with it. During Round 6 of the PTQ, Albert’s opponent calls for a Judge. Upon arrival he asks to speak with you away from the table. After walking […]

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Game Loss Conundrum

Nathan has just lost game 1 in the 4th round in a PTQ. While sideboarding for game 2, he yells, “Judge!” You walk over and ask, “How may I help?” Nathan explains, “It looks like I played a 54-card deck in game 1.” You ask for more details and he elaborates, “I had sideboarded for […]

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I knew I forgot something else….

While playing in (another) local PTQ against a familiar opponent, Alfred controls an ,  and 2 s, while Mr. Nigma has 3 s and a  on the battlefield. As before, Alfred declares all four of his creatures as attacking. Before declaring blockers, Mr. Nigma again casts , then declares his Hamlet Captains as blocking the Angelic Skirmisher and each of the […]

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I am Head Judge, hear me roar!

You find out you are the head judge of the Dragon’s Maze prerelease at your local store, problem is, you’ve never given head judge announcements before! What are some of the things we want to include or avoid when doing HJ announcements at Regular REL? Judges, feel free to discuss this scenario here! [expand title=”View […]

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