Cutting through the Grizzle

Aaron is playing against Nilanthi during a Legacy Grand Prix Trial, and controls a face-down creature and a . During Aaron’s declare attackers step, Nilanthi casts targeting . Aaron responds by paying ‘s morph cost and turning it face up. Aaron puts the Grizzly Bears into the graveyard and says “trigger?” Nilanthi casts in response, […]

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Sudden Death

You are the Head Judge of a Standard PPTQ. Albert casts to kill Nathan’s and , then ends his turn. Nathan untaps, draws and looks at his lands to cast a , when he finds his between his lands and realizes the error. They call you. What do you do? Judges, feel free to discuss […]

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Die Another Day

“Lightning Bolts don’t kill creatures… State-based actions kill creatures.” – The CR You are a floor judge in a Modern Competitive event, where Angus is playing against Neil. The only cards in their graveyards are a and a . At the beginning of combat, Neil casts targeting Angus’s , saying, “Bolt your Goyf.” Angus puts […]

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