Faux départ !

Aberforth et Bellatrix jouent au cours du jour 1 d’un GP en Modern. Avant la première partie, les deux joueurs prennent un mulligan et relancent leur main de départ. Avant de décider s’ils gardent ou mulliganent de nouveau, Aberforth réalise qu’il a accidentellement pioché 7 cartes et appelle un arbitre. Que faites vous ? Arbitres, […]

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Mulled Over

Aberforth and Bellatrix are playing in Day 1 of a Modern GP. Before game 1, both players mulligan their first hands and draw their new opening hands. Before deciding whether to keep or mulligan, Aberforth realizes that he has accidentally drawn 7 cards and calls for a judge. What do you do? Judges, feel free […]

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Four-gotten Cards

Andrew is playing in a Modern GPT this coming weekend. He sacrifices his and asks, “Fetch?” Newton responds by activating his own , finding an Island. After that resolves, Andrew picks up his library and starts searching. He pulls out a , then puts it back and gets a instead. Then he shuffles and presents […]

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Vous êtes le Head Judge d’un GP Trial en Modern. À la fin du tour de Ned, Alfie lance une , en ciblant Ned avec la capacité déclenchée. Durant le tour d’Alfie dans sa phase principale pré-combat, il lance une autre Clique Vendilion, en ciblant à nouveau Ned avec la capacité déclenchée. Après la résolution […]

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You’re the head judge of a local modern GPT. At the end of Ned’s turn Alfie casts Vendilion Clique, targeting Ned with the triggered ability. On Alfie’s turn in his pre-combat main phase he casts another Vendilion Clique, again targeting Ned with the triggered ability. After the Clique’s ability resolves Ned reminds Alfie that the […]

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