Le Mauvais Esprit Romain

Vous êtes le head judge d’un GPT modern, REL compétitif. Dans sa première phase principale, Ananas lance sur le de Navet, qu’il met dans son cimétière, vide par ailleurs, vide, en fait, de toute carte intéressante pour le scénario. Son emplacement est clairement identifié . Ananas anime alors son et attaque avec lui et quelques […]

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Serum Powder

Angus and Nathan are playing a Legacy PPTQ where you are the only judge. Angus has conceded game 1 once Nathan resolved Splinter Twin on his Pestermite and was about to attack him with his army of minions. Nathan keeps his opening hand while Angus is mulliganing to 6. After Angus announces mulligan to 5, […]

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Brightness of the Future

You’re the Head and only judge of a limited Magic Origins GPT. Arnold is playing against Naomi. Arnold controls and a Thopter token. At the end of Arnold’s turn, Naomi targets Thopter with . After the spell resolves, Arnold points to his , saying “trigger”, puts the card into his hand while resolving the Scry […]

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