Dark Coffeedant

You are a floor judge on Day 1 of a Grand Prix, and round 3 just started. Alvaro pulls his playmat out of his backpack and sets it next to his coffee, which gets accidentally knocked over and spills on his deck. He calls for a judge immediately, and you take the call at 2 […]

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Scry, Scry, Scry!

Eres el Juez Principal de un PPTQ Sellado. Axl está jugando contra Norman. Axl toma mulligan a 4 mientras que Norman se queda con sus 7. Axl roba 4 cartas y dice “Me quedo, hago Scry” y mira las 3 primeras cartas de su biblioteca. Norman le pregunta que hace, a lo que Axl responde […]

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Cry, Cry, Cry

You are the HJ of a Sealed PPTQ. Axl is playing with Norman. Axl is taking a mulligan to 4 while Norman kept his 7. Axl draws 4 and says “Keep, gonna Scry” and looks at 3 cards. Norman asks him what is he doing and Axl answers “I Scry 3, one for each mulligan […]

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El Brillo me Encandila

Eres el Juez Principal de un Grand Prix Trial Sellado de Eternal Master y estás viendo uno de los últimos juegos de la Ronda 1. En su Fase Principal Pre-combate Armin lanza un Rórix Alacortante. En respuesta Nate exilia un Galápago Gigante de su mano y paga una vida para lanzar su flamante y maravilloso […]

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Mystic Snakes on a Plane

You are the Head Judge of a Eternal Masters Sealed Grand Prix Trial and are watching over one of the last games in Round 1. In Armin’s pre-combat main phase, he casts Rorix Bladewing. Nate exiles a Giant Tortoise from his hand and pays 1 life to cast his brand-new, pack-fresh, foil Force of Will, […]

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Un Salto Demasiado Lejos

Amy y Nicolás están jugando un PPTQ. Durante el turno de Amy, ella activa la habilidad de , revelando las 3 primeras cartas una por una, revela un Bosque,  un y una . Amy ríe y señala al Reclutador de Vigilaponiente diciendo que estaba pensando en su habilidad cuando dio vuelta la tercera carta. Ambos jugadores […]

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