Snow White and the Huntmaster of the Fells

Aaron and Nicole are playing in a competitive REL tournament.

Nicole controls a Huntmaster of the Fells, Aaron controls a Runeclaw Bear and an Ezuri’s Archer. On Aaron’s turn he casts Chandra’s Phoenix and attacks with all of his creatures. Before blockers, Nicole casts Act of Aggression targeting the Archer.

After that has resolved, she realizes that neither player had cast any spells on the previous turn and she had forgotten to transform her Huntmaster into Ravager of the Fells. The players call for a judge for help figuring out what to do.

You are the judge called to the table, now how do you proceed? Do you allow her to transform her Huntmaster, and if so which creatures are legal targets for Ravager’s triggered ability?

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This scenario had two tricks that most of you caught right away. Ravager of the Fells damage trigger would be lapsing, if it had been missed. In this scenario, it was actually the non-lapsing transform trigger that had been forgotten, so Nicole is welcome to put her damage trigger on the stack.

The other trick was the Chandra’s Phoenix. The fact that it wasn’t around on Aaron’s upkeep was a red herring. Because the damage trigger hadn’t been missed then we don’t need to look at any of remedy from the Missed Trigger infraction and can just resolve it as normal.

Our ruling is that Nicole gets a Warning for a Missed Trigger, Aaron receives no penalty. The triggered ability for Huntmaster of the Fells is put on the stack, and when it resolves, Nicole targets Aaron and can choose to deal damage to either Runeclaw Bear or Chandra’s Phoenix.
