Arrested (Decklist) Development

At a Limited-format Pro Tour Qualifier, after the initial pool registration and swap, the Head Judge instructs players that they have 30 minutes to build and register their decks. Players are told to hand in their decklist to a judge once they have completed this process. During round 1, judges count all of the decklists, […]

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Snow White and the Huntmaster of the Fells

Aaron and Nicole are playing in a competitive REL tournament. Nicole controls a , Aaron controls a and an . On Aaron’s turn he casts and attacks with all of his creatures. Before blockers, Nicole casts  targeting the Archer. After that has resolved, she realizes that neither player had cast any spells on the previous turn and she had […]

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Thalia and the Gitaxian Probe of DOOM!

Andrew and Nicholas are playing a match in a Competitive REL event. Andrew begins casting by announcing to Nicholas, “Probe you, paying 2 life”. Nicholas points out that he controls . Although Andrew has several untapped lands whichcould produce the mana necessary to cast the Gitaxian Probe, he does not wish to use them. Nicholas does not […]

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Tamiyo and the Extra Card of Azkaban

At a PTQ Antoine asks his opponent: “How many creatures do you control tapped?” Neil answers “Four” and Antoine activates ‘s second activated ability targeting Neil. Antoine resolves Tamiyo’s ability drawing four cards, and after Antoine puts the 4th card in his hand they both notice a tapped counted as a creature, and call for a […]

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