Ugin’s -X ability vs. transformed planeswalkers

Welcome one and all to another week of Magic rules tips! Today we’re bridging the old and the new, as the ancient spirit dragon Ugin takes on the new “flipwalkers” from Magic Origins.

Remember, while every card that can transform has a mana cost (in fact, that’s how you tell it’s the front face), its reverse side has a brand new set of characteristics, including mana cost. In the case of the back face of a transforming card, that mana cost is… nonexistent. Therefore, just like a land card (which also has a nonexistent mana cost because it can’t be cast), its converted mana cost is zero. Unlike lands, however, transformed cards have a “color indicator,” the little dot in the typeline. This basically exists so that back face cards can still have a color even though they don’t have a mana cost. In the case of Ugin, this is good for you, because every “flipwalker” has a color indicator that matches its front side — so for the low, low cost of choosing “zero” as the X in its “-X” cost, and removing zero loyalty counters, you can exile all of them on the battlefield at once!

Today’s Rules Tip written by Jen Wong

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