Aether Revolt Prerelease Week: Energy Refresher

Welcome back to Aether Revolt Prerelease Week! Today we’re going over another returning mechanic from Kaladesh (and boy is it a doozy): Energy. Lots of spells and abilities from this block will grant you Energy counters. These counters are put on you, the player (much like Poison or Experience counters), and can be spent in […]

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How naming choices too early for creatures with targeted triggers or copy effects works.

“My Clone targets your Huntmaster.” “I’ll play Wolfir Silverheart soulbonding the token.” “Exile all your creatures with my Angel of Serenity.” Statements like this, technically speaking, aren’t correct. When you cast a creature spell, it doesn’t have a target, even if it has an ability that would require you to make a choice as it […]

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