Bearer of the Heavens and Gift of Immortality

Bearer of the Heavens is a very strong card. He literally holds up the Heavens. When he dies, he sets up a delayed trigger that will destroy every permanent at the next end phase.

Simple right? He dies, then everything dies later that turn.

Now an issue exists when the card Gift of Immortality is attached to him. When a Bearer of the Heavens enchanted with a Gift of Immortality dies, he comes back right away! But because he died, two effects will occur in the end step. One of them will return Gift of Immortality, and the other will destroy everything.

What one can do is stack the triggers so that the Gift returns before the Bearer dies. This will create a loop every turn, where the field will be destroyed and the Bearer will return from the dead. Otherwise, the Bearer will just blow up everything (including himself!), then Gift will try to come back, fail, and stay where it is. So its up to you whether you want to blow up the board every turn, or just the once.

Today’s Rules Tip Written by James Arriola

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